Comparing Dare To Disappoint And Persepolis

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Islam is a religion that has various strict cultural norms in order for the followers to live according to the religion policies. Over the time, Islam religion has evolved greatly, spreading globally over a short period. Through this evolution process, there are various characteristics that have been viewed emerging from Islam religion. According to the articles, "Dare to Disappoint and Persepolis" the two girls Marji and Samanci lived under Islam cultural environment although they were secular in Muslim countries. Through reading both of these articles, there is a certain characteristic portrayed by both writers based on the Islamic women and what is expected of them. Marji and Samanci are two ladies who have greatly demonstrated great humor …show more content…

Grounded on Marji childhood experience, the living condition since she was a child in Iran, the writer has demonstrated on how school girls were required to live and what was required to be clothed in regardless of the religion especially when she was forced to wear the veil which was against her instinct. Nevertheless, Samanci was also subjected to the Muslim tradition that ladies without proper education cannot acquire any position in the community and they can only be soldiers (where did you get that in the text? Please provide page numbers when you describe things). Although these two ladies faced these varieties of challenges in their childhood under their Muslim countries, they never loosed their passion of who they wanted to be from their …show more content…

She learns the happenings that took place in her country through asking questions which assisted her in getting enlightened of the events that happened in her country Iran as she was a little girl. It has valuable sight into growing up in a culture that struggles between an extensive cultural past and westernization. There are also competing directions for women growing up in such an environment.
According to Persepolis novel, history is written in a different way than the way events take place because her story line was often got from his family members and friend because she was too little to understand what was going on. At times, Marjane could hear a statement from people and ask her family members especially her father what it meant and it would turn out to be a story of the past concerning events that took place in Iran.
According to Persepolis and Dare to Disappoint, they make use of the graphic to narrate their novels. Their choice of the graphic novels format allows both authors to make use images as well as text to convey the events of their lives living and struggles. This means that use of such images was a way of communicating past events although the images used were never used in the historical event. The aim of the images was to express their emotions and various events because the aim of the novel was to express their emotions in relation to their childhood

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