Comparing A London Fete and Clever Tom Clinch Going to be Hanged

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Comparing A London Fete and Clever Tom Clinch Going to be Hanged

This essay will contrast the two poems ‘A London Fete’ written by

Coventry Patmore and ‘Clever Tom Clinch Going To Be Hanged’ by

Jonathan Swift. Both of these poems are about the hangings in the 17th-18th


A London Fete was written in the 18th century, whereas Clever Tom

Clinch was written in the 17th century. This could have made a slight

variation in what the poet had written because of the time variation.

For instance nowadays we are more civilised because of the new laws

have been brought in.

Although both of the poems were written about hangings, A London Fete

was more persistent on the crowd’s behaviour and response rather than

the condemned man who was going to be hanged. In the poem it states,

‘They brought the man out to be hanged’ this is the only line, which

talks about the condemned man. I think that Coventry Patmore focused

on the crowd more because he might have been confounded by their


On the other hand the poem, Clever Tom Clinch Targeted the condemned

man and his physical appearance. The evidence to support this is, ‘

The hangman for pardon fell down on his knees’ this is the only line,

which does not talk about the condemned man. In my opinion I think

that Jonathan Swift concentrated on the condemned man more because he

might have wanted to tell the a true story that he might have seen

when he was still a young boy.

The title ‘A London Fete’ has not got anything to do with the actual

poem itself, because the word Fete means a carnival. A carnival is

known to be exhilarating and pleasing. Likewise inside the poem the

crowd retort as if, in my opinion, they were fighting each other to

get a mill...

... middle of paper ...

...cts on the crowd’s behaviour. The hanging influenced

all men, women and children. ‘A baby strung its doll to a stick; a

mother praised the pretty trick’. A mother has influenced the baby by

admiring the trick. In my opinion if nowadays such things did happen

the kid would get punished. Two children caught and hung a cat after

the hanging had taken place because they were adapted to that way of


Although both poets had written about hangings they both had different

messages to convey to the reader. Coventry Patmore basically conveyed

that ‘violence would always lead to more violence’. Whereas Jonathan

Swift conveyed that ‘no matter where you are be true to yourself’.

Overall I think that A London Fete is better because it is much more

of a serious poem with serious thoughts. I think it has a kind of

story line, which made me carry on reading.

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