Comparing A Good Man And Still I Rise

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The novel titled “A Good Man” is written by Mark K. Shriver, Sargent Shriver’s son, and it is told in his perspective. This book is about Sargent Shriver’s accomplishments and how they affected Mark Shriver in ways for bettering his life. The poem titled “Still I Rise” is written by Maya Angelou, and the point of view is in first person. This poem is about no one in particular; however it could be interpreted to be Angelous talking about herself in an uplifting manner. Both these writings can have Marywood University’s Core values involved with the stories. The two that seem to be involved the most are empowerment and excellence. Both “A Good Man” and “Still I Rise” have something in common. They both have development involved in a way. …show more content…

Shriver, for example, on graduation day. Sargent’s letters to Mark remind Mark that he is loved and he always carries them around with him. He reads them every day. This shows empowerment because it Mark uses his father’s example to influence him to become a better father and man. In “Still I Rise,” Maya Angelou talks about how the words the haters throw at her do not affect her. She does not let the awful words that are said about her upset her. She still will “rise,” ignoring the awful words said. This shows empowerment because she is helping herself and only believing in herself rather than the opinion of people who do not matter. In “A Good Man,” excellence is involved with how well-liked Sargent Shriver was and how he received the title of being a “good man.” He was nice to everyone and he was caring for his family. He loved his family in an amazing way. With the way he went through life and the way he treated everyone, having the title of being a “good man” is an amazing achievement and shows excellence. His position in the Peace Corps also proves excellence. Also, knowing that his father was viewed as a good man to many people lets Mark know his father has reached a great achievement of being well-liked by so many

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