Compare and contrast the stories of Roald Dahl and Sir Arthur Conan

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Compare and contrast the stories of Roald Dahl and Sir Arthur Conan

Doyle Show how each writer creates a sense of mystery, And uses character

description, themes and vocabulary to make an effective short story.

In this assignment I am going to compare and contrast the stories of

Roald Dahl and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I am going to show how each

writer creates a of mystery and uses character description, themes and

vocabulary to make an effective short story.

I have read the Lamb to the Slaughter and Roald Dahl wrote it. I am

looking at the similarities and differences.

The story is about a police officer and his wife. The police officer

came home from work and was very tired. She offered him tea he told

her he didn't want any. Normally they eat out on a Thursday but this

Thursday was different. The man drank drink after drink The man tried

to tell the women something but she thought he was going to say

something bad so she ignored what he was trying to say. Then the women

went to the cellar and got the biggest piece of lamb she could find.

She walked back up the stairs and hit him very hard on the back of the

head. He fell to the ground. Then she thought what have I done? She

walked out the house and went to the shop to buy some vegetables and

pudding for her dead husband. She was trying to put on a brave face

but it was hard. When she got in she phoned the police and they soon

came round. They started asking her lots of questions.

They searched the house for the murder weapon. They could not find it

so she offered them tea. The Police eat the evidence.

Mary has a sense of humor she's caring and loving. She has a split

personality; she's both weak and strong.

Patrick is a police officer. He likes his drink. He is very cruel to


The detectives are not very good at the job. They are stupid. They

drink Patrick's whiskey. They even eat the evidence.

The tension was very high was Mary going to get found out or want she?

The evidence was cooking in the oven. I thought the police officer was

going to find the piece of lamb. It was a big piece of lamb. We didn't

find out what Patrick was going to say because she didn't want to

know. She thought it was going to be some thing bad. When Patrick

comes in he is quite and drinks a lot of drinks.

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