Compare Twelfth Night And Romeo And Juliet

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In the play ‘Twelfth Night’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’ William Shakespeare explores three different aspects of love. According to the oxford dictionary the definition of love is a strong feeling of affection. The plays that William Shakespeare has written definitely adhere to this definition. These three aspects of love are true love, self love and friendship love. Many characters in these plays are tangled in a web of love and they are oblivious that they 're feeling and emotions towards other characters are not real.

Shakespeare explores different love in the two plays. In Romeo and Juliet he only speaks of true love, this is also known as ‘love at first sight’ in the modern era because love in the elizabethan time was the child being forced …show more content…

Through their times of sorrow and mourning for each of their apparent deaths they still loved each other. They believed deep down that maybe someway each of them was still alive and well.

Many people, even in today 's society, love themselves more then anything else. Twelfth Night explains the issue of self love and how it affects peoples lives. Malvolio is the easiest to identify with the problem of self love. He sees himself as a handsome and noble man. Malvolio believes many women would love to be with him. He likes to see things one way only, and he deceives himself just to suit his outlook on the situation. For example, in the play he twists Olivia 's words around to make it sound like she admires his yellow cross gartered stockings, when she really despises …show more content…

Sir Toby only cares about himself and no one else, not even his friends. He ignores Maria 's warnings about drinking into the night, and he continues to push Sir Andrew to court Olivia. Although he believes Sir Andrew doesn 't have a chance. Olivia cares about the people around her, but she also believes that no man is worthy of her beauty. She think’s she is "all that," and that no one can match her. Friendship is the third type of love expressed in "Twelfth Night." The biggest and closest friendship would have to be between Orsino and Cesario. They barely knew each other at first, and before long Orsino was telling Cesario his inner love for Olivia. He even had Cesario running his love messages to Olivia. The second friendship between Viola and the Sea Captain was not mentioned a lot, but they had a very deep bond between one another. They survived the shipwreck together and the Sea Captain promised to keep Viola 's idea about pretending to be a man a secret. If he had opened his mouth the entire play would have

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