Compare Contrast Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451

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“Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose” (Dwight Eisenhower). In each of the two novels Brave new world by Aldous Huxley and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury this was displayed when each government created laws to control the public they didn’t go in guns blazing. The governments In Fahrenheit 451 and Brave new world put a ban on books limiting the knowledge the population could get, but equally each book also had similar characters in John from brave new world and Clarisse from Fahrenheit 451. Between the books Fahrenheit 451 and Brave new world, there are many differences but the similarities outweigh them. Both book have laws that ban books and similar characters but each book the a unique way of controlling the population
Fahrenheit 451 and Brave new world both sometime in their timeline placed a ban on books, these bans led to a bureaucratic societies in the two novels. In Fahrenheit 451 the ban on books created mindless puppets out of people like Montag "Do ever read any of the books you bum?" He laughed”. "That's against the law!"(Bradbury 5). The ban on books turned firefighters into fire starters by making them go and burn the books, the absolute power had taken over and turned the world into a bureaucratic society. By banning books the people in the world of Fahrenheit 451 became slaves to the ways without questioning whether it was right or wrong to read books. Fahrenheit 451 had their ban on books by subjecting anyone who had books to death or imprisonment "We burned a thousand books. We burned a woman."(Bradbury 47). Fahrenheit 451 had ways of dealing with people who had books by subjecting them to burning. The firemen’s duty became to burn down houses and...

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...ds to himself” (Bradbury 8-9). This time of self-contemplation allowed Montag to realize that he was not happy with his life. This was a contrast to what John felt because he felt his life used to be better not that better times could come.
All in all, both books Brave new world and Fahrenheit 451 did have a few differences but looking at the big picture for each book, it is very clear that there are more similarities than there are differences. Each book had laws which banned books. In addition to having similar characters, both governments in each off the two books had unique ways of controlling their societies, which in turn allowed them to do some of the cruel things they did like burn people or create people. Even if each book had their own way of controlling the public there were more similarities between these two dystopian novels then there were differences.

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