Compare And Contrast Young Goodman Brown And The Great Stone Face

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In Hawthorne’s stories “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Great Stone Face”, Goodman Brown and Ernest both struggle with their faith throughout their stories. In “Young Goodman Brown”, Goodman Brown had made the decision to go to a ceremony, and on his journey, he was met by the devil that corrupted everything Goodman Brown knew and believed. The devil said he knew Goodman Brown’s father, grandfather, and wife, and stated that they were all corrupted. With that being said, Goodman Brown suffered from knowing what about his faith was good and evil. In “The Great Stone Face”, Ernest was hard-working and honest from childhood to adulthood. Throughout his life there were many people claiming to be the Great Stone Face, but Ernest knew they were imposters …show more content…

Ernest was determined and hard-working all of his life. He always looked to the Great Stone Face, and would sit and talk to the Stone Face every single day. Even though Ernest keeps his faith in the end, he still struggles with something every Christian struggles with, patience in his faith. Throughout the story, there are many imposters who claimed to be the person that fulfills the prophecy his mother told him when he was younger. Ernest held the prophecy close to his heart and knew that they were not the ones who would fulfill the prophecy because they did not look like the Stone Face. Ernest got discouraged time after time and began to wonder if the prophecy will ever be fulfilled in his lifetime, and asked the Stone Face if the person is ever going to come. In the end, Ernest becomes the Great Stone Face and fulfills the prophecy he had been looking for. Rather than accepting this fact, Ernest makes a point to say that he wishes someone else would come along that would be better than …show more content…

In “The Welcome Table”, the woman is looked down upon because of her race and the fact that she is old. The woman put all of her shortcomings aside and decided to take a journey to go to a white church. When she arrived at the church, the reverend, ushers, and members of the church told her that she does not belong there. Instead of leaving or becoming irrational, she just ignored them and continued to sit down in the church until she physically got picked up and thrown out. While she sat on the steps of the church, she saw Jesus walking down the road and began to walk and talk with Him. She ultimately walks herself to death and members of the church were not concerned. The protagonist in “The Welcome Table” goes through a lot of adversities but did not lose her faith or get discouraged; instead she kept her faith and tried to make a stand. The protagonists in “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Great Stone Face” let adversities and shortcoming get the best of them which led to doubtfulness in their

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