BOOM! POW, POW, POW! Rat-a-tat-tat-tat! These are the sounds of modern day warfare. Although wars have occurred since the beginning of time, modern day wars began with World War I (WWI) and World War II (WWII), which proved to be the largest wars in history with millions of casualties and millions more injured. Impacting the world in unimaginable ways at the time, both world wars possess numerous differences and similarities in how the wars began, how the wars were fought, and how the wars ended.
Although both wars had a multitude of reasons to start the fighting, each war began with one specific event brought on by varying arguments. For WWI, the significant act was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro- Hungarian Empire, by a Serbian nationalist. This led the Austro-Hungarian Empire to declare war on Serbia. Conversely, WWII began after Germany invaded Poland, resulting
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in Britain and France to declare war on Germany. Interestingly, Germany was a catalyst in both wars because of its military might. Also, military alliances were formed in each conflict, and the Allies included the United States in both instances. Despite attempts to stay out of both wars, the United States was brought into battle later on each time, and battles were never fought on U.S. soil. Even though WWI and WWII had military alliances, the way the alliances fought in the wars was another story.
In WWI, forces used dangerous trench warfare where a series of trenches were dug so that the troops could shoot and shelter in place. Infantry assault was used to try to break though the trenches, but typically, mobility was minimal for the troops. Most of WWI was fought in Europe. Later on in the war, the tank became useful in overtaking the trenches, and ultimately, resulted in the demise of trench warfare. Conversely, WWII saw the use of air and naval warfare that provided vital aid to the ground troop and that allowed for increased mobility, resulting in the combat to reach other places outside of Europe. For the first time in war, submarines and aircraft carriers were utilized, and tanks and airplanes, which had improved significantly since the First World War, resulted in more accuracy. Additionally, WWII saw the initial use of missiles and the horrific atomic bomb, which started the end of the war after it was dropped on
Japan. Lastly, the end of both WWI and WWII brought more divergence than sameness. WWII lasted two years longer, more countries saw fighting, and technology was more advanced during this war. These factors contributed to more damage and more deaths than in WWI. Empires were dissolved, countries divided, and the Soviet Union was formed as a result of the WWI. The consequences of WWII were the redefining of several country borders, the emergence of the United States and USSR as superpowers on the world stage, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the creation of the United Nations, an organization to promote international cooperation and world peace. On the other hand, the Allies won both wars, and despite so much loss and devastation, these countries were rewarded significant gains. Likewise, Germany was heavily punished in both wars by losing significant territory and paying reparations. Wars will continue as long as there are differences in opinions or the need for more power. WWI and WWII were costly in a variety of ways, including death and costs. Hopefully, the consequences of these conflicts, particularly the threat of nuclear war, will prevent another world war from occurring ever again, and the United Nations will continue to keep the world, as a whole, in agreement and peace.
World War Warfare was one of the greatest examples of technological advancement and strategic challenge, with the introduction of inventions such as the aircraft and the tank the battlefield transformed from attrition as scene in the early years of the war to decisive by the end of the war.
World War I, also referred to as the Great War, was a global conflict between the greatest Western powers and beyond. From 1914-1918, this turf war swept across rival nations, intensifying opposition and battling until victory was declared. World War I was immediately triggered by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, however several long-term causes also contributed. The growing development of militarism, the eruption of powerful alliances, as well as the spread of imperialism, and a deepening sense of nationalism, significantly promoted to the outbreak of the Great War. World War I was triggered in a number of ways.
The technological advances since WW1 introduced such things as the atomic bomb and new and improved sea and air warfare. The atom bomb was a big part of WW2 as people could be killed from a bomb from a long distance. This bomb also covered a long area killing more people and people of the area bombed could still be feeling the effects in the form of cancer. New air warfare such as fighter jets were introduced in WW2. These planes carried deadly bombs and could take out a large number of people. New sea warfare was introduced, such ships as the corvette were popular, and the corvette was mostly used for shipping ammunition to Europe from North America. Also, submarines proved deadly as they were out of radar and carried deadly bombs such as the torpedo.
More than any previous war, World War II involved the commitment of nations' entire human and economic resources, the blurring of the distinction between combatant and noncombatant, and the expansion of the battlefield to include all of the enemy's territory. The most important determinants of its outcome were industrial capacity and personnel. In the last stages of the war, two radically new weapons were introduced: the long-range rocket and the atomic bomb. In the main, however, the war was fought with the same or improved weapons of the types used in World War I. The greatest advances were in aircraft and tanks.
The United States is the Super Power in today’s world and two reasons for that are the outcome of World War II and how the President at the time, Franklin Delano Roosevelt handled conflicts at home as well as overseas. America was going through a very difficult time dealing with the Great Depression and the problem of Germany starting conflicts in Europe where nothing was being done about it. World War II was something America stayed out of for about three years, but when we finally did get involved the “scales” were now tipped in the favor of the Allies due to the American involvement. Also, as shown in World War I when the United States gets involved with conflicts dealing with issues overseas we are very successful and are adamant on becoming victorious. Much like the conflict America is dealing with today in Iraq, although many people do not agree with the war and the grounds for the war I think that our government is doing the right thing. People need to realize that our government would not do anything to hurt the nation or its people because that is just a reflection of the government and the people who run it. They want to be perceived as the super power of the world and would not do anything to hurt that image. Much like Roosevelt helped the United States to appear the Super Power, President Bush is also doing his part by continuing the war on terror and not ending it until he feels we have conquered the men behind the 9/11 attacks.
Many new and improved weapons and artillery were brought out during the war. One example of this introduction of new weapons was the long-range rocket. Also during this time, the atomic bomb proved to have a big impact on the war. Along with these new and improved weapons, falls the infamous tanks of World War II (Military History 1). Although some weapons proved to be more important than others, every weapon played an important role in fighting this war.
Advancements in technology and science contributed to one of the most gory and bloodiest wars in the annals of human existence. These new technological advancements revolutionized how people regarded war. War was no longer where the opposite forces fought in a coordinated battle. War evolved into a game of cunning strategy where the side with the bigger, more powerful, and smarter toys played better. This led to a fierce competition where each side tried to create the smarter machines and better weapons, leading to deadly mass killing weapons in the process.
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Austrian Archduke, is often cited as the direct cause of WWI. While it was a significant catalyst to the war, the circumstances surrounding WWI were actually more complicated. The first great world war was caused by a variety of factors including: tensions between countries due to a threatening system of alliances, stockpiling of weaponry, and nationalism.
World War II and The Revolutionary war have many things in common with each other.World War II is a well known war and it lasted from 1939-1945. The Revolutionary war is also a well known war that lasted from 1775-1783. In the Revolutionary War it was between the American and British but many people got involved with the war.In World War II it was between the Jews and Nazi but many people helped the jews than the nazis.The first contrast is the technology that they had when they went to war.
The war of 1898 and 1917 were pivotal events in American foreign relations. Both wars shaped the way America is seen from a global lens and also offers insight into the foundation for how we respond to future crisis. Though these wars were drastically different in reasons and outcome, they share close similarities and obvious differences that help us to better understand the decision making process in America’s war efforts abroad.
... On 28 June, 1914, the assassination was successful and this was the action that triggered war. Austria-Hungary wanted revenge because their next ruler was killed so they declared war against Serbia. This is what caused the war. The Alliances ties in with these events as Austria-Hungary formed an alliance with Germany who also went to war with Serbia.
Wars are good business. They create an immediate demand for a wide variety of materials needed by the government in order to fight the war. They create work opportunities for people that might not ordinarily be considered part of the normal work force. And, while not necessarily good for the soldiers engaged in the fighting, wars are always good for the businesses that provide the materials used in a war. The Second World War was very good for business.
World War 1 World War 1 was called “The Great War”, “The war to end all wars”, and “The first modern war”. It has many causes and a few repercussions and I will describe them in detail. The most widely known reason for the start of World War 1 was the assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in the Serbian capital of Sarajevo. The ArchDuke was there to talk to the Serbian leaders about peace on the Balkan Peninsula. After a Serbian was arrested for the assassination, Austria-Hungary pulled out of the peace talks and declared war on Serbia.
War has been around for centuries. From the time modern civilizations began, war has played an integral part in human history. It shaped the world into the modern world we live in. War has been said to be a great motivator, for example, the Great Wall of China was built to fend off the attackers from the north. However, the negative aspects of war far outweighs any positive effects it might have. The destruction of civilizations, cities and countries, mass killings of men, woman and children alike, the disastrous effect it has on economy and the after effects of war can last for centuries.