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The American colonists and the British government got along when convenient but generally they didn’t always see eye to eye. From the beginning, the British had their set of rules and regulations, they knew the stretch of their monarchal power, the limits that power had, and the rights their citizens had, including their citizens across the ocean as seen established after the English civil war. But the mother child relationship between the island and the colonies wasn’t the one that properly fit with this power dynamic. Ideally these were supposed to be equals and therefore treated equally as they were told that they would be in their early charts, but the Brits saw their American counterparts as somehow beneath them even though they were bigger and in better shape. So the American colonies grew, silently but steadily until they were booming with people and exports. Initially both groups of British citizens were united by the common goal; expand the empire and fight and subdue enemies of the crown. But slowly British intentions for the colonies became apparent, they were just an ends for British means and they were looking out for what was best for them as a mother country not for their empire as a whole. This slowly became clear …show more content…
After fighting alongside, each other during the French Indian war, the Americans were sure of their impending equal treatment but their conditions worsened. With the French threat leaving them with no reason to put up with British abuse and the lack of investment parliament had in them, the two countries grew apart until they felt they had gotten ignored and oppressed enough to revolt, thus leading to the Olive branch petition as a last ditch effort to be treated right and eventually the Declaration of Independence and the American
From 1754-1763, Britain fought the French and Indian war. Although Britain had won the war, they still had a lot of war debts to pay off. Britain turned to the colonies to pay off their debts by taxing them. The taxes angered the colonists because they believed it violated their rights. Benjamin Franklin had initially proposed the Albany plan of Union to unite the colonies, however this law was rejected by all of the colonial governments. It wasn't until after all of the British laws and taxes that the colonies would unite and write the Declaration of Independence.
In the early stages of North American colonization by the English, the colony of Jamestown, Virginia was founded in 1607 (Mailer Handout 1 (6)). Soon after the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded in 1629 (Mailer Handout 2 (1)). These two colonies, although close in the time they were founded, have many differences in aspects of their lives and the way they were settled. The colonies have a different religious system, economic system, political system, and they have a different way of doing things; whether that be pertaining to making money, practicing religion, or electing governors. Along with the differences, there are also a sameness between these two colonies. Each colony has been derived from England and has been founded by companies
The French and Indian War changed the economic, political, and ideological relations between Great Britain and the American colonies in many ways. Politically the colonist felt like they were deprived of representation, when Great Britain imposed unfair taxation without any say. Economically, many colonist were infuriated with the British because the British were starving them of many resources and making high taxes and tariffs. Ideologically, it brought feelings of discontent towards Britain. Boycotts during the war opened the eyes of the colonist. It showed them they had the ability to make a change and proved that they could unite together. The colonist no longer viewed Great Britain as the great mother country, but as a tyrant who looked to feed on the American colonies new sense of life.
The Olive Branch Petition was the last and final opportunity for Great Britain to agree with a nonviolent negotiation with the Colonists (lively). In more detail, the Olive Branch Petition summarized that the colonists requested to have their own self ran government, but made it clear that they would show loyalty to their “mother country”. As history reveals, King George III rejected their compromise, resulting in the American Colonies having no other choice, but to go to war with Great Britain. The American Colonies were so determined to gain freedom from the English parliamentary authority, specifically the taxation laws (Sosin). With the Olive Branch Petition not being successful, the American Revolutionary War was bound to happen, due to the negative response from Great Britain confirming that there wasn’t any other tactics the Colonists could take, other than
Q 1. The American colonies were divided into three distinct regions and these regions were different from each other in their origins, populations, economics and agriculture, religious makeup, and connection to England .write an essay comparing and contrasting the New England, middle, and southern colonies with specific examples.
Many of the New England colonists were white and the most prominent and religious families owned the best land. They had a system of self-government in these colonies which had representative town meetings across the colonies. The life expectancy of its citizens became longer than that of the Middle and Southern colonies because of the cooler climate they were accustomed to in Britain. The New England colonies were more industrialized and had built more towns than the others, causing the New England colonies social life to be more active than the other colonies and were centered around the towns. Many of the Southern colonists were primarily white and black, with the minority consisting of free men and women and the majority consisting of laborers and slaves.
An oppressed people will eventually rise against the oppressor regardless of loyalties they may have had in the past to their oppressor. Humans can only withstand so much oppression before eventually reaching a breaking point-a fact the British Empire failed to realize when they took oppressive actions on their colonies that would cause conflict and culminate into the American Revolution. After claiming victory in the French-Indian War, the British decided to implement policies and taxes in the colonies the colonists that the colonists considered illegal due to lack of their consent. While initially, the colonists did attempt more peaceful and logical alternatives to resolve their discontent with the British Empire, eventually more oppressive taxes and violent events culminated to a full Revolution. Before the revolution, the British had incurred debt from the French-Indian War and needed to raise money: they turned to the colonies as a source of income.
Imperialistic Europe differed strongly from that of the United States. Europeans focused on Social Darwinism; politicians felt that conquering underdeveloped territories was the best thing for the human race. The United States did not have as strong of views on imperialism that were expressed by Europeans. The United States imperialism differed from Europeans by the lack of pressure to join the movement from neighboring countries, sheer size, and the economic importance of conquering other territories.
Before the start of the revolution, the colonists were faced with a threat. The French owned a large portion of American soil and had formed close ties with the Native Americans in their area whom were known for their hostility towards the English settlers. During the French and Indian War, the colonists had minimal help other than the strong naval power the English withheld and they were often belittled by the experienced soldiers that quartered in their homes. The colonists gathered a sense of unity in order to win the war. Although England beat the French, the peace would last only a decade before the colonists would revolt.
After the French Indian War ended, the Britain was in debt, and they also wanted to have more control of the colonies, and the colonists. They passed different acts and procedures in order to collect money, and hold the control of the colonists, and the colonies. Yet the colonists were not given any representation, and they were losing their freedoms one by one; these caused a serious tension between Britain and the colonies, which eventually lead to the American revolution, followed by the Declaration of Independence. The colonies were justified for declaring independence from England, because the king of England caused “repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over the states”("The
By the time the colonists had settled into their new land they had established some order such as small governments to keep the colonies in line. The ocean separating England and the colonies made it difficult though for England to guide the colonists successfully the way they had wanted. The main thing the British tried was implementing taxes, but they also went so far as letting the colonies on their own for awhile and using military to keep them in place. On the other hand, the colonists saw that the British were stalling their attempts at self-governing so they worked together to disregard any British policies. By the eve of the Revolution, colonists had developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans that was brought about by the British parliament. Exasperated by British efforts to hinder their growing self-reliance, colonists began pushing them away by doing various things such as rioting, boycotting, or voicing their opinions on paper.
From 1754 to 1763, the French and Indian War took place. This war altered the political, economic, and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies. It was the last of four North American wars waged from 1689 to 1763 between the British and the French. In these struggles, each country fought for control of the continent with the assistance of Native American and colonial allies. The French and Indian War occurred to end the land dispute between the British and French. Whoever won, in reality, gained an empire. It was a determined and eventually successful attempt by the British to get a dominant position in North America, the West Indies, and the subcontinent of India. Although Britain had won all this land, political, economic, and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies were totally annihilated.
The relationship between Britain and her Americans colonies slowly deteriorated between the 1750s and the beginning of the American Revolution. When the first British immigrants settled in America, the relationship of the colonies and their mother country was somewhat peaceful. In the following generations, however, their relationship became tenser as Britain imposed policies and taxes on unrepresented American colonists. The British believed they were right in doing so because they had large debts to pay from ongoing wars with France. These taxes caused uprisings among colonists which contributed to British occupation in America, leading to more rebellions. Eventually, the rift in the relationship between the colonists and the British led to the Revolutionary War and the formation of a new country.
The main reason for the severance of the colonies from Britain was the lack of equality in parliament and the disregard for colonial needs. Whether it be forcing someone to pay for a war they did not fight or want, limiting one’s need for land, or piling on the taxes, all of these factors played a part in the dissolving of British-colonial ties. The colonists were only human and had the human reaction of defiance to injustice. If the colonists had not of had the audacity that they did, today’s America would be a very different place. Breaking away from Britain was the greatest thing the colonists could have possible done.
The American Revolution began as a conflict over political and social change, but soon developed into a dispute over personal rights and political liberty. A decade of conflicts between the British government and the Americans, starting with the Stamp Act in 1765 that eventually led to war in 1775, along with The Declaration of Independence in 1776. Americans united as one and knew that they wanted to be an independent country, have their own laws, rights, and not be a colony of the Great Britain. They fought hard for their independence and people lost their lives in the process of it, but in the end they succeeded. Never give up, keep fighting till the mission is accomplished, just like the Americans did when they were fighting for their independence.