Compare And Contrast The Matrix Neo And Allegory Of The Cave

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Does what one sees and hear in life really mean that it is true? Just because one sees a dinosaur in the shadow, does it mean it is real? In the Allegory of the Cave and “The Matrix” one may question what is real and what is fake. The Matrix and “The Allegory of the Cave share a lot of different aspects based on their chracters. First they share the need of knowledge of the truth. In The Matrix, Neo, described by’s “The Matrix Trilogy” as being the protagonist that is there to lead Morpheus and his followers who has to gain his responsibility and abilities while leading his crew. Neo is needed to be responsible, and powerful in order to lead everyone to the truth. He gains repsonbility and carries his crew on to violent fights for resolution. On the other hand, the freed prisoner in “The Allegory of the Cave” has to find his knowledge on his own without a crew. He is set free to explore the outside world by himself. He becomes aware of the knowledge in the outside world and brings the information back to his fellow prisoners. Both Neo and the freed prisoner have to face the fact of learning the truth of the unknown. Second, they both share a role where there is …show more content…

First is the idea that in The Matrix Neo has help from Morpheus in order to get free and find his truth. According to Sonia Barrett’s “Names-Matrix Character” Morpheus’ name in Greek means the God of dreams. This helps to connect why Morpheus of all the crews man was so strongly protective over Neo. He could tell that Neo was the one and protected him against everything. Unlike Neo, the freed prisoner in “The Allegory of the Cave” was set free alone to find the reality of the world. He was the only one of the prisoner who got to see the sun, the moon, trees and everything outside of the cave they were locked up in. Unlike Neo, when he tried to tell the others about the reality they did not believe

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