Compare And Contrast Roman And Mayan Civilization

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Maya Civilization and The Roman Empire Many civilizations have similar qualities as other civilizations, but they also have their differences. Some of these differences include: Religion, Geography, and Government. These three things were a big part of any civilization. Two civilizations had many different things and many similar things. These civilizations are The Maya and The Romans. The Romans had a very unique and interesting culture, The Maya were also very interesting and different. Even though they were unique in their own way, they also had many similar qualities. One of the biggest parts of any civilization would be religion. In the Maya civilization and the Roman civilization religion played a big part in their culture. Both of these civilizations had polytheistic religions, but later the Romans became monotheistic which is something the Maya didn’t do. The Romans had the same gods as the Greeks but the Maya had a unique religion and unique practices. In the Maya civilization they practiced human sacrifice for religion purposes, however in the Roman civilization they watched gladiators fight to the death for …show more content…

This decided what they could grow if they could even grow anything. It also determined whether or not they had water, also whether or not it would be safe to travel for trade. In the Roman empire the cities were overflowing with people. So full that, poor people couldn’t have their own home and only rich people could. Where they were they could grow olives and grapes, they also ate vegetables, bread, and cheese. Where the Maya lived farmers lived in wood houses and rich people lived in stone houses. In the Maya civilization, they had corn, beans, and yams if they were poor; if they were rich they ate meats and crops that servants grew. Both had a fine line between the rich and the poor. The two civilizations both had the ability to grow things to keep themselves

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