Compare And Contrast Nethergrave And A Sound Of Thunder

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“Nethergrave” vs “A Sound of Thunder”
While it's true that both the literary works “Nethergrave” by Gloria Skurzynski and “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury are both classics that have been and are still being read and enjoyed by thousands equally today, in my reading of them both, I would surmise to say that “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury is much more entertaining and enjoyable to read. In “A Sound of Thunder”, Bradbury’s storyline pulled me in from the beginning and held my attention till the end. Whereas in the story “Nethergrave”, Skurzynski’s storyline was a bit slower and took a little longer to gain my full attention. Both of these literary works are science fiction stories where the characters get propelled into different worlds or as the unit refers to them as “Other Worlds” to fulfill a want in their lives. In “A Sound of Thunder”, Eckel’s is able to fulfill his want of trying to kill a dinosaur by using technology to travel back in time 60 million years with a couple of other men and two guides. They are able to experience how life was there and be brought back to the present which has been drastically changed due to a mistake on Eckel’s part, …show more content…

In “Nethergrave”, Jeremy is able to fulfill his want of being able to live in a world where he does not feel useless, weak, inadequate, unloved, and unwanted by using technology to physically enter his computer screen and become a

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