Compare And Contrast My Sister

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In many ways, my sister and I are not alike but at the same time, we also are. I chose to compare myself to my sister because I have known, grown up and made many memories with her. We have also had our fair share of fights so I somewhat know what we have in common.
My sister and I are a few years apart from each other like most kids are. Over the years we have grown to be much more alike, unlike our childhood we were not alike at all. When I was younger I loved going to the park, riding bike all around town unlike my sister and her friends they did more of the sitting around the house stuff, but we both loved going camping and canoeing with our parents. We actually did stuff together often when we were young, like staying at home on weekends and …show more content…

She stopped going on the family canoe trip that I still enjoyed and started only hanging out with her friends. Meanwhile, I grew older and of course started to pester her on purpose. I would walk across the hallway as quite as a mouse and then start banging on her door as hard as I could. Unlike years before where she would come out and laugh with me about it, she would now open the door faster than lightning, shove me to the ground, and kick me until I would call for my mom.
Many years ago when we went to the fitness center, as I swam she would sit in the hot tub and watched me because I was too young to swim. One day I went into the deeper end of the pool and I couldn’t touch, while I was under the water I saw her appear at the edge of the pool and I feel a hand grab onto me and yank me up. However, she hasn’t always done amazing things like that for me. A few years down the road we were at the same place and she was bringing me home. As we were putting our bikes away, like dad asked a scary man in a long dark black trench coat was walking down the street. I was the last one to put my bike away and was still outside, she saw the man before I did and locked me out of the house. I stood there

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