Compare And Contrast Macbeth And Lady Bercilak

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Analyzing the Lives of Lady Macbeth and Lady Bercilak
The story “The tragedy of Macbeth” portrays as being catastrophe, after finding out what Lady Macbeth had done. There will always be a thought in your head as to why she did what she did? Everything she did to get what she wanted you would not believe how she did it. Here comes Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Lady Bercilak does her said of things in the story when her husband leaves and does not have anything to do but entertain herself and her company. Lady Macbeth and Lady Bercilak compare and contrast through deviousness, selfishness and unbalanced behaviors.
Lady Macbeth and Lady Bercilak compare and contrast through unimaginable ways. One example is through the devious ways of Lady Macbeth. In the story, “Lady Macbeth’s engineered murder of Duncan engenders the unlawful succession of a …show more content…

The unbalanced behaviors Lady Macbeth has, yet to be explained. The depression Lady Macbeth has explains the thoughts she been having like this one “Although she may well fantasize about killing an infant, Lady Macbeth expressly rejects the masculine power which would allow her wield a dagger”. (Fantasizing Infanticide: Lady Macbeth and the Murdering Mother in Early England”). Lady Macbeth was willing to think about killing a newborn and she does have one son never had any children unless she killed him before she had him. Lady Macbeth eventually dies from suicide she could not take the guilt from all the dirt that she had created, and then she couldn’t tell it all. Lady Bercilak had some unbalanced behaviors and those were that “The lady of the castle attempts to seduce Gawain but Gawain’s nobly rejects her advances.” (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 181). Just because your husband is not there does not mean you please yourself by trying to please other people. These approaches these two ladies have are inconceivable when you think about what has

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