Compare And Contrast Jonathan Edwards And Anne Bradstreet

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God is presented as being all-powerful and all-knowing. He’s aware of all the shortcomings and misdeeds of humanity for every individual person. The existence of God and the afterlife are two questions that merely rely on the matter of faith and belief. Jonathan Edwards and Anne Bradstreet both have relatively similar religious beliefs; however, their individual view point on God could not be further aside from one another. Jonathan Edwards preaches a literal fear of an arbitrary, unpredictable and vengeful God (Baird). Anne Bradstreet, on the other hand, believed with human error in a loving, trustworthy God.(Baird) It is almost unimaginable that these two authors’ views are traced back to puritanism due to their vast differences. Jonathan …show more content…

He chastised his congregation repeatedly in high hopes that they will turn away from their sinful ways. His Puritan beliefs were the impetus force behind his message. The Puritans emphasized the “covenant of works”, which was in the control of humans, and the “covenant of grace”, which was in God 's power to give. (Covenant of grace). Edwards believed that mankind could save itself from damnation depending on the way that they lived. Basically, it is man’s control to save himself of certain damnation. He believed God 's grace could possibly be limited. He proposed a belief that God is judgmental and angry. Edwards ' belief in God was that He was ready to throw people into hell because of all of their unrepentant sins. Edwards used his sermon to give proof to the people that they were only worthy of hell and God 's grace kept the people from being tossed into the Lake of fire. “There are in the souls of wicked men those hellish principles reigning, that would presently ignite and burst into flames of hell fire, if it were not for God 's restraints. “There is laid in the very nature of carnal men, a foundation for the torments of hell”(Edwards 432). Edwards believed man was so dishonorable that hell was waiting for him. He preached that God was showing grace and mercy to people or otherwise mankind would be destroyed by hell 's …show more content…

He was completely oblivious to the true loving nature of God stated in John 3:16-17 “That God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son for us and whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (Bible Hub, 1 John 3:16-17) He used a monotone when he gave his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” but he preached as if he was angry with the people as well. Edwards insisted that God was so angry that they were closer than they could have imagined from being thrown into the pits of Hell. The sermon may have been successful to some people, for those who imagined God dangling people over the fires of hell in no doubt ran to the altar to seek repentance. However, some may have even lost their faith altogether because they felt they stood no chance in the eye in such a wrathful God. Unlike Jonathan Edwards, Anne Bradstreet did not write to preach or teach. She wrote on a personal level about such things as the birth and the death of both her own children and her grad children. She also wrote about her own illnesses and misfortunes. Bradstreet and Edwards both wrote mainly about God, but Edwards wrote about God 's power and strength while Bradstreet focused on God 's mercy and everlasting grace. Bradstreet writings are based primarily on her religion her children, and her husband. When Bradstreet wrote about her husband and how much they are in love she was not only saying how much

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