Christians and Muslims Religion is one of the oldest and most sacred things in history. It was passed down for generations both orally and in writing. Religion started off as a very simple belief in an afterlife. Over time it became more complex and began to include deities and rituals. Each area of the world developed its own beliefs and practices, but two religions that are very similar and yet vastly different are Islam and Christianity. These two religions are the biggest religions in the world with a combined total of approximately 3.4 billion followers. Their similarities and differences can be seen in how their religious books were put together and their beliefs and practices. The word Muslim means to submit to God. Muslims are people …show more content…
These two religions’ are both monotheistic and believe in a single God. In the Muslim religion God goes by the name of Allah. However, there is controversy over the idea of God. The Christians believe God to be composed of 3 main parts: The father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. The Muslim Religion believes God is only one thing. The Muslims believe Allah has no equal, no parents, and no children. God or Allah is the deity that will determine if a person will go to heaven or hell. He is the source of all Justice and morality. Judgment day is also an idea that is present in both of the religions. On Judgment day it will be decided if a person is allowed passage into heaven or damned in …show more content…
One major difference in the artwork is in the depiction of their prophet. The Muslims, forbid the depiction of God or even Mohammad. In Christian religion, Jesus and God are constantly drawn and painted. This is common in the Christian artwork because at the time not many people could read. As a result, the stories of the bible were often drawn or painted. The Christian Churches are filled with pictures of the life of Jesus. There is no prophet or person in the Christian religion that a person cannot depict due to religious rules. The Muslim mosques are also covered with beautiful and awe inspiring art. The mosques are drenched with beautiful patters and works of architecture along with Arabic
Compare and Contrast Nation of Islam with real Islam. The Islamic religion is referred to as the original faith. Their holy text is the Koran and the followers of the Islamic religion are called Muslims. They worship God and the prophet Muhammad. However, in the early 1900s, a new religion, the Nation of Islam, began.
Religion has existed since the dawn of civilization and over time has evolved into the religions we have today. Today the most prominent religions are monotheistic, having one omnipotent god, and despite having many differences they share basic tenets of respect and kindness. Religions, such as Judaism, give explanations for the unknown, provide hope, and bring about a sense of community.
Both Christianity and Islam mirror Judaism. From Judaism, Christianity and Islam derived the doctrines of monotheism, prophecy, resurrection, and a belief in the existence of heaven and hell. Both Islam and Christianity have a holy book. Christians consider the Bible the inspired word of God, however Muslims believe that the Koran is the literal word of God. Mohammed was merely transcribing the words of Allah, much as a court reporter does. Muslims therefore attribute greater spiritual
Both Christians and Islam believe in one Supreme Being but according to Christian they call Him God while Muslims call him Allah. The two religions conceptualize God in different ways. Muslims view Allah as one God, this is emphasized through the word ‘tawhid’ which in Islam means “absolute unity”. Christians on the other hand view God as three holy beings, God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. According to theology this is known as the holy trinity. Early Christians did not understand the meaning of the word trinity which led to the thought that they worship three gods. However, through Christian teachings the meaning of trinity is brought out through the concept of love. Love cannot exist in seclusion ’God is Love’; hence God cannot exist in one form. This is considered blas...
Religion is defined as "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God" . There are many recognised religions of the world, which all teach its followers to live life "the right way", whose definition varies according to the religion itself. They have some beliefs and practices that distinguish themselves from each other. Some examples are differences and similarities of Buddhism and Islam.
The world religions of Islam and Christianity may have their differences to the naked eye, but when you take a closer look into their histories similarities arise. They both went through transformations that had drastic impacts on the way they were controlled and the way that the religion was taught to the followers. Christianity and Islam have both experienced splits between their members due to the fact that followers thought that their beliefs were the correct way to practice the religion. While these transformations are long in the past, the splits that have occurred within each religion continue to have lasting effects on Islam and Christianity to this day.
Most of the contemporary problems bedeviling our society are because of lack of proper spiritual anchorage. Civil and technological differentiations embodied in the media have aggravated the situation. Technological differentiation has undermined religion by taking the place of spirituality in adherents’ lives.
Islam and Christianity seem to have very little in common; however, the two actually show strong likeness, principally in the central areas. Both Muslims and Christians are monotheists, believing in one God. While both believe in the same God, He is called by two completely different names. He is referred to as "Allah" by Muslims and "God" by Christians. Although Islam and Christianity are two different religions, their similarities in beliefs and prayers make them comparable in many aspects.
Each religion has a different perspective but most important is where the religions generated from. Major religions started in various parts of the world.
Islam is often presented in the media with a negative stereotype of violence and evil in relation to terrorism and terroristic acts not as a religion. After reading the chapter on Islam in Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith I found much of the teaching on Islam attempt to promote harmony and in no way commit harmful acts on others or to be a terrorist. I personally had a misconception to this notion of linking all Islamic and Muslims with words such as militant and terrorist. A patient of mine recently attempted to explain to me that terrorism is not, in any way, associated with Islam. He stressed the fact that terrorism goes against the beliefs of Islam. In this paper I will provide a brief description of the Islam, their beliefs, similarities found in my Catholic religion and finally my thoughts on if the teaching of Islam and does or does not promote violence.
Although Islam and Christianity differ in major ways, they also share some similarities in their belief in God. First of all, Christianity and Islam are both monotheistic religions; worshipping only one God. While both believe in the same God, he is called by two completely different names. He is referred to as "Allah" by Muslims and "God" by Christians. The basic creed of Islam is brief: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah”.
There are numerous topics that can be compared and contrasted between the two faiths, however, a few topics can demonstrate the major similarities and differences. Islam and Christianity believe in one high power which is superior to everything in life. Pertaining to Christianity, Walsh and Middleton state, “All creation (which includes us as human creatures) is covenantally bound to God and is constituted essentially as a response to his laws” (1984, p. 51). Christians rely on God and make Him a priority.
Religion can be defined as a system of beliefs and worships which includes a code of ethics and a philosophy of life. Well over 90% of the world 's population adheres to some form of religion. The problem is that there are so many different religions. What is the right religion? What is true religion? The two most common ingredients in religions are rules and rituals. Some religions are essentially nothing more than a list of rules, dos and don 'ts, which a person must observe in order to be considered a faithful adherent of that religion, and thereby, right with the God of that religion. Two examples of rules-based religions are Islam and Judaism. Islam has its five pillars that must be observed.
Religion itself can mean many different things and is interpreted differently by each group of people. The literal meaning of the word “religion” is “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.” Religion is divided into different secs such as Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. Although religion is aimed to unite people and bring them together, I believe there are certain aspects that divide people or make them “different” from everyone else. The factors that have caused religion to divide are war and violence, the caste system, and rituals.
Religion is the one element of life that has connected the races and societies of the world for hundreds of years. It has given meaning to lives that may seem otherwise hopeless. Religion has provided for a universal language and culture among those who believe in a higher power. The spirit or being receiving the worship and praise may not be the same, but the practices are usually similar and serve the same purpose--to give direction, insight, courage, and a divine connection.