Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron

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In "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut he represents to society in which everyone is mentally, socially, and physically equal. But imagine a world where a cruel government handicaps every citizen with make up or weights to create equality. Where ugly is known as beauty and intelligence is irrelevant. “They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.” (Vonnegut). In making the grade by Kurt Wiesenfild, professor he is upset due to some of his students slacking off on study in class. Should these students be held responsible at the end of semester for the grades they receive? Who should be held responsible to take the blame, the students or their professor? What is the comparison and contrast between these two stories?
In Harrison Bergeron, George intelligence was above normal people, but he had a mental …show more content…

I believe Students should accept their own responsibilities and be responsible for their own failures. If a student believes that the professor has made an error, or if you don’t understand something from what he is teaching in class ask questions, tell the professor you did not understand you need help, that’s what they are there for to help students succeed in their education. If you make a choice not to ask for help or ask question then don’t go to your professor and beg him to at least give the passing grade. It’s going to be your fault if you don’t pass the class because you didn’t ask questions nor for help. Its student job to bring it to the professor attention if they need help or have

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