Compare And Contrast Essay On Octavius Caesar

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Antony and Octavius were planning there revenge on the conspirators while getting massages. Antony had just turned the people back to Caesar with a great speech. The conspirators had rushed out of Rome to gather troops. Antony and Octavius were willing to do anything they could to take down the conspirators. Antony promised to Caesar’s dead body that he would get his revenge on the conspirators. He wasn’t going to break that promise. The play Julius Caesar was about a ruthless leader who gained a lot of land for Rome. A group of conspirators who thought he was doing harm to Rome, murdered him brutally. Caesar’s best friend Antony and his nephew Octavius gets an army together and fights the conspirators. Antony is a loyal man.
Whatever Caesar wanted from Antony, he would give it to him. Caesar’s wife was baron, which means she couldn’t have children. Caesar asked Antony if he could touch his wife when he ran by her so she wouldn’t be baron anymore. Antony said to Caesar “Whatever you ask it is done” (Act 1, scene 3). You need to be really loyal to someone for them to say that to you. After Caesar was killed by the conspirators, he got an army …show more content…

It shows the characteristics of all different types of people. Caesar was a ruthless man who would do anything to gain more land and control. Brutus was an honorable man. He was a good friend to Caesar, but killed him because he thought it was for the good of Rome. Cassius was manipulative. He knew if he could get Brutus in on killing Caesar the rest of Rome would approve of it. He put notes in Brutus’s house saying it was citizens of Rome and they wanted him to kill Caesar. Cassius was able to manipulate Brutus into killing Caesar. Antony was the loyal man. He would do anything for Caesar. When Caesar was killed he got an army together and fought against the conspirators. The play Julius Caesar is worth reading because it shows the characteristics of all different types of

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