Compare And Contrast Essay On Hiroshima And Nagasaki

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Desperate measures had to be taken to bring an end to World War II. The war was promised to continue, which would then result in many more deaths of American soldiers. By dropping the first and only two atomic bombs in history, America guaranteed that World War II would result in a quick conclusion. Although the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki did cost many Japanese citizens their lives, doing so was mandatory to bring an end to World War II. Dropping the atomic bombs was an extremely difficult but necessary decision that America had to make to bring an end to the war.
The Allies met in Potsdam, Germany to discuss the war. The Japanese were still fighting strongly, and seemed like they didn’t want to surrender and time …show more content…

The Japanese remember the day that went down in history every year on August 6th. Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a extremely difficult decision to make, knowing how many lives that would be lost in result of this action was the main reason it was so difficult. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was the chief scientist in charge of the atomic bomb project. He predicted that no more than twenty thousand Japanese would be killed when the bomb detonated. Nobody realized, however, that two solitary B-29 planes would not cause the Japanese that lived in Hiroshima to retreat into the bomb shelters. The citizens of Hiroshima were used to seeing planes that went on missions taking photos of the ground below, and spies. If they did go to some of the designated bomb shelters that were built, thousands of lives could have potentially been saved. Even though many more people were killed than it was originally thought, these atomic bombs were the reason why World War II ended. If the war was to continue, it would have brought about deaths of thousands of American soldiers, and the soldiers of many other countries. When the news about the dropping of the bomb was officially announced, Americans were overwhelmed that their soldiers could finally return home and be safe with their

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