Desperate measures had to be taken to bring an end to World War II. The war was promised to continue, which would then result in many more deaths of American soldiers. By dropping the first and only two atomic bombs in history, America guaranteed that World War II would result in a quick conclusion. Although the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki did cost many Japanese citizens their lives, doing so was mandatory to bring an end to World War II. Dropping the atomic bombs was an extremely difficult but necessary decision that America had to make to bring an end to the war.
The Allies met in Potsdam, Germany to discuss the war. The Japanese were still fighting strongly, and seemed like they didn’t want to surrender and time
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soon. The Allies decided to deliver an ultimatum to the Japanese that required them to surrender. The Japanese refused. This confirmed many beliefs that using force would be necessary to bring an end World War II. To be able to accomplish that, the United States had to use their newly developed atomic weapons. The bombs were the first atomic based weapons to be used in real life combat. Atomic weapons were brand new to the world, and were kept a secret until after they were put to use against Japan. The majority of people had never even heard of atomic bombs until it was reported in The New York Times newspaper on August 7th, 1945, the first day after the first bomb was dropped. The race to determine how to use atomic based weapons was a costly and rushed endeavor. American and British scientists collaborated together to discover this power before the German scientists. They knew that they could bring an end to the war easily if they kept it a secret away from the Germans. Top secret places were established such as Oak Ridge, TN and Richland, Washington were dedicated to the research of atomic based material. Once the United States government discovered the potential power of this, they began testing its military uses, and planned to use it to end the war with the Japanese. On August 6th, 1945 the United States dropped the first ever atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Taking off from Tinian at 2:45 AM, a B-29 bomber began its journey towards Hiroshima with an atomic bomb. This B-29 bomber was named the Enola Gay. It was named after the pilot Colonel Paul Tibbet’s mother. The atomic bomb also had its own name: Little Boy. There were seven different B-29s assigned to accomplish this top-secret mission. Three of them were assigned as weather planes, two carried scientific equipment and observers of the bomb dropping, one was a stand-by, and the last plane was the Enola Gay carrying the bomb. Little Boy was dropped at a height of 31,600 feet over the center of Hiroshima. It took 43 seconds to detonate at 1,850 feet over the city. Once the bomb detonated, there was a fireball of white light. This fireball was about one hundred times brighter than the sun, and it shared the same temperature as the sun. It was huge, the explosion was at least 250 feet in diameter. The city was filled with fire and it burned nonstop for three days. The blast and the fire from the atomic bomb utterly destroyed Hiroshima. Sixty percent of the area of the city was completely erased. Eighty percent of all the buildings in Hiroshima were obliterated, while the other twenty percent was damaged very badly. Nearly three hundred thousand citizens of Hiroshima were killed. More than one fourth died instantly. The later death toll estimates between seventy and eighty thousand people were killed. Just as many people were also inured either from the initial blast or from radiation. It is quite hard to tell how many deaths there were from the dropping of the first bomb because not all people died as soon as it was dropped. Many suffered from illnesses due to the radiation from the bomb. The Japanese government tried to hide the extent of the damage to Hiroshima from the general public. They also hid the nature of the bomb, calling it a special-type bomb. When the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, the Japanese were in talks about the possibility of surrendering. When the Japanese decided not to surrender directly after Hiroshima, the United States decided to dropped a second atomic bomb. This second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki at 12:01 PM on August 9th, 1945. It was dropped 1,650 feet above the city of Nagasaki. This bomb was a different kind of bomb from the first one, a plutonium bomb, and it was named: Fat Man. It was actually more powerful than the first bomb, but it did less damage due to the different kind of terrain. Still, the degree of the damage was massive. Nearly one hundred thousand Japanese were killed or injured in the initial bombing and in the many fires that followed after the bomb was dropped. After twelve hours, the fires in Nagasaki were burning so bright that pilots two hundred miles away could see the blaze. The threat that one bomb could do so much damage is mainly considered to be what frightened the Japanese the most. After the second bomb was dropped, the Japanese were forced to come to a conclusion and decided to surrender. Japan surrendered to the Allies on September 2nd, 1945. To remember the lives lost on that day, there is now an Atomic Bomb Dome located where the bomb went off in Hiroshima.
The Japanese remember the day that went down in history every year on August 6th. Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a extremely difficult decision to make, knowing how many lives that would be lost in result of this action was the main reason it was so difficult. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was the chief scientist in charge of the atomic bomb project. He predicted that no more than twenty thousand Japanese would be killed when the bomb detonated. Nobody realized, however, that two solitary B-29 planes would not cause the Japanese that lived in Hiroshima to retreat into the bomb shelters. The citizens of Hiroshima were used to seeing planes that went on missions taking photos of the ground below, and spies. If they did go to some of the designated bomb shelters that were built, thousands of lives could have potentially been saved. Even though many more people were killed than it was originally thought, these atomic bombs were the reason why World War II ended. If the war was to continue, it would have brought about deaths of thousands of American soldiers, and the soldiers of many other countries. When the news about the dropping of the bomb was officially announced, Americans were overwhelmed that their soldiers could finally return home and be safe with their
families. The money and time spent on the Manhattan Project was well worth the scientific discoveries that has now changed the world. Making the very difficult decision to use atomic weapons against the Japanese showed a possible ending to the war, and saved many American lives. The Japanese brought the United States into the war, and with the help of atomic weapons, the United States ended it. Although, some do accuse the dropping of the atomic bomb as cruel and unnecessary, the majority of American people feel that it was necessary. Choosing to use the atomic bombs to end World War II was an extremely difficult decision to make, but it was the right thing to do in the end.
The attacks on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 were the first attacks ever to take place on American soil, the repercussions were devastating for the Japanese Empire; sadly, Pearl Harbor would not be the last threat America faced on her own land. On September 9th, 2011 (9/11) a radical Islāmic terrorist group known as Al-Qaeda attacked America. While America dealt with both of these attacks with unyielding resolve, executing that resolve was what is starkly different between the two tragedies. Pearl Harbor did have some quintessential similarities to 9/11; both attacks unprovoked by America, both provoked public support against aggressors by way of presidential speeches, both lacked prior intelligence on the attacks themselves, both sparked
Prior and during the war, the Japanese were known for their citizens’ extreme loyalty and commitment to their nation, but after the dropping of the atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, some of these feelings diminished within the Japanese nation. Prior to the dropping of the atomic bomb, Over 70% of people in Japan believed that their nation could come out on top in the war even after more than a decade of constant fighting and the Japanese being on the defensive for over three years since the Battle of Midway. Directly after the use of the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the percentage of Japanese people that believed that defeat was inevitable rose to over 50%. Many people in the two cities that were bombed by the United States were affected more so than the rest of the Japanese population. For example, a 25% increase in suicidal thoughts was reported in the two cities struck by America’s new deadly weapon. This sharp decrease in morale amongst the Japanese people after the dropping of the atomic bomb coincided with an increase in Japanese fear of American and Allied power in future battles. For example, according to survivors of the bombing, whenever a lone American plane was seen over a Japanese city, people would “rush into their shelters,” and “They went in and out so much that they did not have time to eat. They were so nervous they could not work.” Prior to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki most Japanese were only scared of American aircrafts if there was a large group, but after the dropping of the atomic bomb any individual plane could wreak havoc on Japanese cities, as Elona Gay did to Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. The use of the atomic bomb was able to spread fear amongst the Japanese people so
Japan will never forgotten the day of August 6 and 9 in 1945; we became the only victim by the atomic bombs in the world. When the atomic was dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was World War II. The decision of dropping the atomic bombs was affected by different backgrounds such as the Manhattan Project, and the Pacific War. At Hiroshima City, the population of Hiroshima was 350,000 when the atomic bomb dropped. Also, the population of Nagasaki was around 250,000 ("Overview."). However, there was no accurate number of death because all of documents were burned by the atomic bombs. On the other hand, the atomic bombs had extremely strong power and huge numbers of Japanese who lived in Hiroshima
But the Japanese military was cruel and had a mindset almost suicidal and the only viable way to win the war and prevent the least amount of American lives lost was to speed up the process with the use of atomic weaponry. Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not an easy decision by the U.S. military and government and as the president stated it was not something that was taken lightly or was likely to be used again unless necessary. The Atomic bomb had quite an impact on American military strategy and it is important with the amount of impact two bombs can have on not only the United States but the world that we understand the reasons this kind of weaponry is used in the first place as a well calculated last
nevertheless, it was still justifiable because the allies did not know for sure if the Japanese were to surrender and the longer they would wait the more lives that would be
Japan was quickly on the path to destruction. Grant, Michael J., 1998. Of course, the Allies ignored this for the reason that dropping the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would intimidate Russia. Had they truly been considering saving more lives and bringing a quick end to the war in Japan, they would have simply waited them out without the major loss of life seen at both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the Yalta conference, Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked Josef Stalin for Russian support in the war with Japan.
On August 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over Hiroshima. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. On August 15th, the Japan announced unconditional surrender in World War II. To this day historians still discuss why the U.S. decided to use the atomic bombs. Orthodox historians argue that the decision to drop the bombs was a military one designed purely to defeat the Japanese.
Atomic bombs were used against Japan in order to end the war as quickly as possible, with minimal amounts of American casualties. The United States had decided that they will only accept an unconditional surrender from the Japanese. The use of the atomic bombs was hoped to push the Japanese the last bit to get them to surrender to the U.S. 's terms.
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a necessary action taken by the United States government in order to ensure that their allies does not receive any more casualties from the conflict with the Japanese Empire during World War II. If the United States did not use the atomic bomb on the island, there would have been a higher number of casualties from the U.S. troops. The first reason why the U.S. would have lost more troops was because the Japanese soldiers had an extremely strong conviction that their country was the righteous side of the war and they were doing the right thing for the greater good of the empire. They would have fought until the last man, while attempting to take the U.S. soldiers with them. Another reason is that both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were legitimate targets; Hiroshima was the main military base that act as a guardian for southern Japan while Nagasaki was a naval base that distributed supplies to the armies of Japan.
The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan were ethical decisions made by President Harry Truman and the United States government. By the time of the atom bomb was ready, the U.S. had been engaged in military conflict for over four years and lost over 400,000 soldiers. Truman claimed, "We would have the opportunity to bring the world into a pattern in which the peace of the world and our civilization can be saved" (Winkler 18). The bomb was aimed at ending the war immediately and avoiding prolonged battle in the Pacific Theater and the inevitable invasion of Japan. President Truman hoped that by showing the Japanese the devastating weapon the U.S. possessed, that the war could be brought ...
In 1945, Germany had surrendered, but the war in the Pacific raged on. The allies were becoming desperate to end the war before it was necessary to carry out a full scale invasion. New developments in science had made it possible for the United States to weaponize the atom, and the consequent bomb created was dropped on Hiroshima and later Nagasaki at the approval of President Harry S. Truman and his advisors. In years to come, Truman would have to face questions over the merit of his actions. Although some may believe the atomic bomb was needed because it ended WWII, it was unnecessary to drop the nuclear bomb because of the alternatives that existed, the effect it had on the Japanese people, and because of the unethical reasons for dropping it.
On August 6th President Truman and the United States government made the history-altering move dropping an Atomic Bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, only to follow it up 3 days later with a second bomb in Nagasaki. The dropping of these bombs continues to be a controversial and debated action made by United States President Harry Truman. When the bombs were dropped, it was because the United States claimed they believed this was the only way to save lives and end the war swiftly. This is not a very accurate assessment of the situation at hand. Not only did the United States have other possible options, but they had other motives behind why they wanted to drop the bombs.
In August of 1944 the war in Europe was over and the face off between the United States and Japan had finally arrived. The United States had to choose between sending hundreds of thousands of US soldiers, to invade Japan killing and being killed by the hundreds of thousands, OR dropping a newly developed weapon called the atomic bomb on two cities in Japan which would result in tens of thousands of civilian lives with little cost to US servicemen. The only hope of ending the war quickly and honorably was to drop the bombs. Calls for surrender were ignored and the Japanese hierarchy, Okinawa and Iwo Jima had shown clearly what an invasion of Japan would be like. The decision was made, the bombs were dropped, the war was ended and both military and civilian lives were saved by both countries.
Consequently, when the Japanese refused to budge, the United States dropped two atomic bombs, the Little Boy and the Fat Man, on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As a result, the Japanese people faced their ultimate plight. The Japanese’s stubborn ways and refusal to cooperate were why the United States was forced to drop the two atomic bombs onto the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But there were also many downsides to the United States’ decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Using the atomic bomb was illegal anywhere on the earth, so the United States using it was not legitimate.
The bombs that were drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were one of the biggest nightmares that were created by man. Both bombs being very different both were meant for one purpose and that was to stop World War 2. Each bomb was designed differently. For example, “ Little Boy “ was a gun-type bomb that used Uranium fuel and the “ Fat man”, was some sort of implosion type bomb with plutonium fuel. Only one of these bombs was tested at the trinity site in New Mexico.