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Difference between attending college compared to high school
Difference between attending college compared to high school
Difference between attending college compared to high school
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Nowadays, many people seek higher education for a better advantage in finding a job and getting a better life. Even though many people think going to a four year university directly from high school is a good idea; they are wrong. Starting out at a two year college is more affordable. Also, it helps people explore careers and prepare people to do better in four years universities later down the road. Going to four a year college directly after high school would cost a fortune amount of money. Before high school’s graduation even comes close, parents and students already find themselves in a marketing environment to look for higher education. The estimate cost of four year university is from thirty to sixty thousand each year. It is impossible for an average 18 year old high school graduate student to hold up these tuition fees on their own. Without the help from wealthy parents or government loans, four years university educations are considered luxury-dreams for high school graduates. Even though many people assume they would able to save a great amount of time and get better jobs by going directly to a four year university, it is not a realistic assumption. According to Kevin Carey, director of the Education Policy Program at the New America Foundation, a large and growing number of graduates are having trouble paying their loans for tuition fees as well as worthless degrees has became a signification topic. Leaving qualities and results of four years education undecided, it is a great deal of effort to find a job in nowadays economy. In fact, there isn’t a bridge to go directly from four years university to a job. Going to a two year college before a four year university is a wiser decision. Many people think that everything ... ... middle of paper ... ...ady for university, rushing will only lead to failure; so it is better to take their time and use a detour around community college to improve their foundation in studying. Works Cited Addison, Liz. "Two Years Are Better Than four." College Essay Contest 26 September 2007. Carey, Kevin. "Why Do You Think They're Called For-Profit College?" The Chronicle of Higher Education 25 July 2010. Murray, Charles. "Are Too Many People Going to College?" The Journal of the American Enterprise Institute 8 September 2008. Plumer, Brad. "Only 27 percent of college grads have a job related to their major." The Washington Post 25 May 2013. Vermaaten, Diane; Zheng, Yan and Hix, Dan. 2012-13 Tuition and Fees at Virginia’s State-Supported Colleges and Universities. 12 July 2012. Chart 4 2012-13 Full-Time In-State Undergraduate Tuition and Total Mandatory Fees. 3 October 2013.
Kevin Carey: Why Do You Think They’re Called For-Profit Colleges? After perusing the words of Kevin Carey in his work, Why Do You Think They’re Called For-Profit Colleges, it would be easy to assume that, in his mind, the downfalls overpower the threads of benefits found in for-profit institutions. After reviewing his article, this would definitely be the opinion of any reader; notwithstanding, his intent is to persuade his audience that for-profit colleges are a victim of unfair treatment.
Everyone knows that person from high school that just wasn’t cut out for college. It’s not a bad thing by any means, but if you’re thinking about heading off to college like many American teenagers often do, think about this: going to college can be a waste of both your time and your money. I’m not the first to say it, and I sure as hell won’t be the last. In Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill’s essay, Should Everyone Go to College?, the two authors take a strong economic approach to justify going to college. Owen, an ex- senior research assistant at Brookings’ Center on Children and Families and current research associate at the Urban Institute, a nonpartisan center for research on the problems of urban communities, and Sawhill, the co-director
To go to college or not to go? Is the question many ask themselves before making a life changing decision. Anthony P. Carnevale “College Is Still Worth It” argues that people should go to college and not rely on faulty data on the worth of postsecondary education. Carnevale is a well-known authority on education and was appointed by President Clinton as Chairman of the National Commission on Employment Policy. While Richard Vedder respond to Carnevale with “For Many, College Isn’t worth it” and claims that college is worth for some people, but it’s not suited for all. Vedder is an economist, author, columnist, and now a distinguished professor of economics emeritus at Ohio University and senior fellow at The Independent Institute. Vedder is able to convince his audience on why college is not always worth it, unlike Carnevale, who was unable to convince his audience.
although, there is a lot to agree with within the article there are some faulty statements that two year colleges don’t offer the best education possible and that community college are more engaging and individualized for a student and the price is also much less expensive than a university education.
In “Two Years Are Better than Four”, Liz Addison argues against Rick Perlstein’s article “What’s the Matter With College?”. While Perlstein questions the value of college as it currently is, Addison argues that the “community college system is America’s hidden public service gem”(Addison 257). By way of that, she defends the value of college. Unsurprisingly, as with most situations, the truth is somewhere in between ends of a spectrum created by these two articles. While I agree with Addison’s idea of community college being an accessible starting point for everyone, she fails to appropriately represent the unique culture often found in these types of colleges. Also, I think that she also fails to look at the overall purpose of attending school and then neglects to acknowledge the benefits of a four year university.
If they are not motivated in putting their mind and time there is no point to force him or her to study in college. They will not study, but in turn, it will just be a waste of four years of time. It might seem that university is a good path for some people, but not for everyone. Some fields, require it and many occupations would be extremely difficult to have and function without it. What should be promoted nowadays should be either college or how to find a job suitable for you, but many argue that it should be not one or the other. The reason behind that is everyone is brainwashed that going to college comes before finding the perfect
The common idea of college comes in the form of the 4-year university. Going to a university, students are exposed to the “traditional” college experience, which is a unique experience that many people wish to have. The experience isn’t the only thing that draws people to this option, the more common reason that draws people to a 4-year university is the potential to make more money than a non-college graduate, and according to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2014 the average income of a young adult who worked full-time with a bachelor 's degree made approximately $49,900 a year, which is 66 percent higher than young adults with only high school credentials, who only make approximately $30,000 a year. Attending post-secondary school also has been proven, according to the population reference bureau, to improve a person 's overall health, “ For example, remaining life expectancy at age 25… is about a decade shorter for people who do not have a high school degree compared with those who have completed college.” (Hummer). So, attending a postsecondary school not only improves your income, but it can affect you physically also. Even though 4-year university seems like a clear path to a bachelor’s degree and a large profit potential, the downside can easily outweigh the
Numerous of people accepted that going to a four-year school is an important for profession victory. The actuality is that numerous scholars are entering school after secondary school totally unassuming – scholastically, inwardly, and financially. The income is truly more then a person coming straight out of high school, which you are grossing about 10,000 to 15,000 more having a degree. More businesses are looking more for college students who has a degree because of the value that it holds having a professional education demonstrates the potential manage...
Going to college and getting a degree is a very important factor in succeeding in the 21st century competitive world. Nonetheless, many people do not go to college because of how expensive col-lege has become and the fear of being in debt. Sometimes college does not work out for every-one. President Barack Obama has proposed a plan to make the first two years of community col-lege free to encourage people to go to college, get a degree, and make the United States the most educated country or at least catch up to the rest of the countries like Russia and Canada. Howev-er, Obama 's action of reducing the costs of community college will not significantly increase the number of students who will graduate with degrees. Instead of making college
One does not have to graduate high school and go straight to a four-year university. It is sometimes better for a student to go to a community college and focus on transfer courses, or simply get an Associate’s Degree. On the other hand, there are young adults that prefer to leap straight into a university and focus on the specific program for their Bachelor’s Degree. Although they are both a lot alike, there are many differences between the two. Universities are known for having large campuses; consequently, resulting in large number of students in each class.
The two advantages are that you have more time to explore fields you want to study in and people who can’t afford college can get a college education. The two disadvantages are that there is a limited amount of majors and universities will have a higher expectation for two-year community colleges. In today 's society, there are many families that can 't afford college and have to take loans. The government should be able to take care of those needs. When people come fresh out of high school, a lot of people don’t usually know what they want to do with their life. There are reasons to why they might not offer particular majors at a community college such a budget and resources. Since community colleges would be free for people to apply to, it would be harder to transfer to a four-year
Whether or not to attend College after graduating High School is an important decision in a young person’s life. There are a number of factors to consider such as funds, grades, and other social issues that must be considered. The government offers different types of funding for students like Pell grants and student loans. Therefore, everyone is able to attend some college, even if it is just the local Community College in the area. Attending College is the supreme option for most High School graduates, which will enable them to earn their maximum potential income, while also preparing them to make well informed decisions throughout their lifespan. College can also help to improve a person’s social skills and provides a multitude
With tuition rising every year, students face the challenge paying the debt achieving a college degree comes with. “Student debt surpassed credit-card debt in June 2010 for the first time in history, rising to about $830 billion — or nearly 6 percent of the nation 's annual economic output”(Clemmitt, Marcia). Not everyone has a ton of money just laying around. Being that financial trouble is the biggest problem for students, they begin to question whether college is worth it or not. In recent years, students have taken out loans to help with expenses. Most students choose to attend a community and junior college to help minimize the debt. Even after graduating with a degree, students still face the struggle of finding a job in this economic time. For higher class families this may not be a problem to them. But for the middle class and low income families, they face tougher times being that they don 't have the financial help like higher class families do. For the middle class and low income families, it makes more sense attending a community and junior college rather than a four year university.
First of all, many high school graduates cannot handle college. Isabel V. Sawhill and Stephanie Owen describe college as a place, “one can obtain a traditional four-year bachelor’s degree”. The work load outside of the classroom could be compared to working a full time job. For example, if a student is enrolled in four college courses and is in class a minimum of four hours the student should spend at least four to six hours of studying. This may be extremely agitating and stressful to a student that is not good at studying. The new college student may realize that the schoolwork is too much for him to handle and instead drop out. In Pharinet’s blog post, Is College for Everyone? He states that “…it is estimated that in the U.S., approximately 50% of students who begin college never graduate. There exist students who are not yet ready for the academic and financial challenges of college. There exist students who do not have the desire for college or learning.” This statement is important because if 50% of students that begin college never gradua...
Everyone has their own reasons for wanting a college education. Popular reasons for attending college include being able to obtain a better paying job, increase future earning potential, gain training for a specific career, and learning more about a specific topic of interest. Rampell, C. (2015) My reasons are more personal than either of the reasons listed. I do not wish to miss out on significant opportunities that have the potential to enrich my life and future. If there is anything in my life that I would regret it would be not pursuing my college education. As we get older life happens and the list of things we wish we could have done gets longer. Knowing that it is never too late to accomplish my goals is strong motivation to shorten the list of should haves. Obtaining a college education is important to me because I will have a strong sense of accomplishment for setting a goal that is important to me and seeing it through to the end. I also enjoy challenges and feel inspired by the endless possibilities for my future.