Communism After Ww2

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The end of the Second World War saw a dramatic change in the world powers that differed from the end of the First World War. Great Britain and France, who were two-thirds of the Allied forces, aligned with the United States who were now one of two superpower standing. In the west there was the Soviet Union, who unlike after World War I, had an established and formidable leader in Joseph Stalin. Stalin demanded the respect and loyalty of his people. He was able to gain this through utopian promises and brutal aggression.* A result of the fallout of World War II would be the Soviet Russia being influential in the spread of communism throughout its borders. The spread of Communism was increased through the efforts of aspiring dictators such …show more content…

Through propaganda the fear of Communism, which was spreading throughout eastern Europe and Asia, led to unsubstantiated accusations that members of the military were communists. The public fallout against McCarthy led to an overnight end to the Red Scare. This period of tension, which involved no violence between the Soviet Union and the Unites States, is defined as the Cold War. The aftermath of the previous wars led to the United States instinctively to take an isolationist approach to world affairs. Due to communism’s rapid and ominous spread this approach was no longer an option. Because, the United States was the only world power with the strength to compete with Soviets it found itself in the middle of a political firestorm and in a state of constant alert.* The 1950 invasion of the Republic of Korea, more commonly known as South Korea, by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, also known as North Korea, was when the spread of communism became apparent. The two nations, which were united under Japanese rule before World War II, were divided by the mutually agreed upon 38th Parallel. Following World War II North Korea fell under the control of the Soviets and South Korea fell under the united Western control. North Korea’s desire to having a unified peninsula led to they invasion of South Korea. In order to contain the spread of communism the United Nations were brought

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