Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

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The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) represents the set of policies that the European Economic Community first and the European Union, after, have adopted in the agricultural sector conceiving it as a strategic field to achieve an equal and stable development in the Member States. This sector's peculiarities caused agriculture to become the most integrated productive sector at the European level, the one in which the EU action supersedes the Member States' activity more intensively and more frequently. In this context, Italy has received large benefits from the CAP, since this has been an important instrument both to cooperate with other national states and to develop its territories, especially in the southern part of the country. The CAP is now based on two pillars: the first one encompasses the direct payments regime and the market measures, while the second one includes the rural development support measures. Direct payments guarantee the continuity of agriculture in Europe, assuring some income stability to farmers and safeguarding companies from prices fluctuations. These subsidies are conditional on the respect of some environment, food security, phitosanitary requirements and animals’ health norms. Italy is the EU member with he highest number of farmers, but it is the fourth one with respect to the amount of direct payment received. The market measures are aimed at avoiding that economic, climatic or sanitary crisis interrupt agricultural production and at guaranteeing the recognition of the correct added value to farmers by the market. Finally, the rural development policy is oriented toward maintaining the vitality of the countrysides through investments, modernisation and activities-support programmes in rural are... ... middle of paper ... (visited on 20 November 2013) European Commission, La politica agricola coumune continua...(2012), (visited on 20 November 2013) Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria, La nuova PAC post 2013: i temi e gli interessi dell’Italia (2013), (visited on 20 November 2013) Ministero dell politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, (visited on 20 November 2013) Ministero dell politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, (visited on 20 November 2013)

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