Commodity Your Dissent Analysis

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In the article “Commodity your Dissent” author Thomas Frank discusses the idea of counterculture and has a posture that counterculture along the years has made an impact not just on society, but on consumer society. Thomas explains that during the 1950s, the idea of counterculture started to spark with portraits of “correctness and sedate music, sexual repression, deference authority, Red Scares, and smiling white people standing politely in line to go to church” (Thomas Frank 164). Explaining that, it was the usual and only way to act for the America population at the time. Coming after, in the 1970s, the population began to embrace new lifestyles then the one that was portrayed to them as the perfect life by many motivators such as, Jerry Rubin that quoted “whenever we see rule, we must break it, only by breaking rules do we discovered who we are” (Thomas Frank 164). Along with The Beats that Frank claims had made an impact on America and is continuing to inspire majority of the population such as celebrities, authors, poets, and even magazines. He also remarked, that throughout the phase of counterculture many consumers were no longer interested in following the rules, but were inspired to …show more content…

For example, Due to counterculture, businessmen were influenced to determine things differently, but that not just inspired their business, but the way they examine society. Mark acknowledge that businessmen offices no longer carry images of inspired heroes such as: the president or Eisenhower, but images of “extreme athletic daring, with saying about diversity and empowerment and thinking outside the box” (Thomas Frank 166). Enforcing that society have a lot of similarities in many distinct ways that the world can ever

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