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Colonization effects on Indigenous people
Being a Filipino through cultures and traditions
Colonization effects on Indigenous people
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Tradition, Culture and Identity
American British Academy- OM004
Miguel C Tantoco
To what extent do modern-day Filipinos exhibit a colonial mentality?
Having a colonial mentality is known as the theory of feelings of inferiority of communities who have been colonized by another country/ state. This theory may also express the feeling of the foreign colonizers as superior compared to them. Events like this happen in several places in the world most especially to those who were colonized (like the Philippines). Oftentimes, it brings in several issues like the denigration of the own culture of those who were colonized. It may also lead to the uncritical (or irrational) preference of anything foreign (may be products, language or cultural
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("Colonial Mentality: Where Lies," 2015 para. 2)
Local Perspectives
- Proceso Alcala- [Department of Agriculture Philippines] - Filipinos will need to support our products more. This will also help in the interests of the national economy. (Wurfel, 2006) He states that the Filipino citizens need to cooperate with the government and local producers in order to bring about and improvement in the economy.
Personal perspectives I believe that colonial mentality is very much existent in the Philippines and to modern-day Filipinos. If our everyday lifestyle is analyzed and looked upon, it is quite noticeable that a majority of our actions were developed by the influences of our previous colonizers. I have to admit also that it affects me in my everyday living. However, I think that Colonial mentality may be curbed by having a change of mindset in the hearts of modern-day Filipinos. I see that most of us lack love for the country and I think that problem can be
Throughout the 19th century, European Imperialism had a major effect on Africa. As countries expanded in terms of wealth, resources, and innovation, more territory and workers were needed. The first solution to solve these problems was to begin colonizing in Africa. The driving force for imperialism in Europe and Africa was mainly economical. This economical approach was established through many ways including cultural and nationalistic ideas.
Post-colonialism is a discourse draped in history. In one point in time or another, European colonialism dominated most non-European lands since the end of the Renaissance. Naturally, colonialists depicted the cultures of non-Europeans incorrectly and inferior. Traditionally, the canon has misappropriated and misrepresented these cultures, but also the Western academia has yet to teach us the valuable and basic lessons that allow true representations to develop. Partly in response, Post-colonialism arose. Though this term is a broad one, Post-colonialists generally agree on certain key principles. They understand that colonialism exploits the dominated people or country in one way or another, evoking inequalities. Examples of past inequalities include “genocide, economic exploitation, cultural decimation and political exclusion…” (Loomba 9-10). They abhor traditional colonialism but also believe that every people, through the context of their own cultures, have something to contribute to our understanding of human nature (Loomba 1-20). This is the theme that Lewis prescribes in his, self described, “satirical fantasy”, Out of the Silent Planet (Of Other 77).
The 19th century set the stage for different policies that lead to the extending of America’s power, which is defined as imperialism. Imperialism started for different reasons like the Americans wanting the U.S. to expand or explore the unknown land, or even some feared existing resources in U.S. might eventually dry up. The reason imperialism started doesn’t really matter, but more of what it caused. Imperialism lead to Cuban assistance, the addition of Hawaii and Alaska to America, and Yellow Journalism.
Colonial ideology is the idea of racial and cultural hierarchy. In Aimé Césaire, A Tempest, the introduction defines colonial ideology as “how the circulation of colonial ideology-an ideology of racial and cultural hierarchy” (Kelley xi). Colonial ideology is the belief that the white man society and culture is dominant to all others. Colonial ideology is a way to put one set of a beliefs on a pedestal, while debunking and degrading others.
Giving them a functioning government, education system, military presence, the United States truly felt like they helped. However, the Filipinos felt dictated over and did not agree to the lifestyle that the Americans
In Colonial America indentured slavery happen gradually. The colony of Virginia was one place the “terrible transformation” took place. There were Africans and poor whites that came from English working class, black and whites worked side by side in the fields. They were all indentured servants as servants they were fed and housed. After their time was served, they were given “freedom dues,” with that came a piece of land and supplies. Black and whites became free. The English would not enslave non-Christians slaves; they could be set freed by converting to Christianity (PBS Online, nd).
"We cannot sit huddled within our own borders and avow ourselves merely an assemblage of well-to-do hucksters who care nothing for what happens beyond. Such a policy would defeat even its own end; for as the nations grow to have ever wider and wider interests, and are brought into closer and closer contact, if we are to hold our own in the struggle for naval and commercial supremacy, we must build up our Dower without our own borders." 1899, Theodore roosevelt his book, The Strenuous Life.
There are many legacies of colonialism that impacted the development of Latin American republics. As well, many of these legacies still thrive throughout modern Latin America. A legacy that impacted Latin America and still continues to affect it, is the change that colonialism caused with ancestral knowledge. Before colonialism, many parts of Latin America were inhibited by many tribes such as the Mayans. As colonialism swept through these parts of Latin America, these tribes started to diminish because of the “growing and ecological strains”, when this occurred, tribes disbanded and ceased to continued. Now these societies which once flourished, has not gone back to the way that it once was. One of the most profound legacies is religion in Latin America. The Catholic church had a part in the development of the continent. Missionaries helped build premises such as schools, hospitals and other buildings which benefited the communities. Even with the help they provided, missionaries also did harm. They caused people to change the way the practiced their religion. The aspects of the way religion was practiced before changed for the worst. The people had to entirely alter how they practiced religion and by doing so, many parts of their true identity needed to be forgotten. Lastly, colonialism
England created the colonies to generate additional economic value via access to new resources as well as products. However, England did not intend for these dependent colonies to develop an independent mindset. Through exposure to new religious philosophies, the colonies were able to further detach themselves from the Anglican Church. The composition of the colonies was altered by a great influx of culturally diverse people, creating yet another difference from English society. Additionally, the colonies developed a distinct material culture that encouraged them to function as their own economic entity. Tension between the colonies and England, created by religious, cultural, and economic differences, led to the colonies’ development of an American identity.
“The traveller was thinking: it is always questionable to intervene decisively in strange circumstances. He was neither a citizen of the penal colony nor of the citizen of the state to which it belonged. If he wanted to condemn the execution or even hinder it, people could say to him: You are a foreigner-keep quiet. He would have nothing in response to that…” (Kafka 9). In In the Penal Colony the traveller was invited to witness an execution and provide his opinion. However, he is not aware of the influence that is opinion has. Travellers are used to observe societies, without directly altering them. He arrives at the penal colony unaware of it’s political state.. The passing of a leader, and the induction of a New Commandant has caused tension.
The sociology of imperialism seeks to define this phenomenon as an atavism in the social structure, in the specific person, in their psychological habits, which thus triggers an emotional reaction. According to Joseph A. Schumpeter - "The word imperialism has been abused as a slogan to the point where it threatens to lose all meaning. For whenever the word imperialism is used, there is always the implication - whether sincere or not - of an aggressiveness" (Conklin & Fletcher, 1999, p. 44). The history behind this word has lead us to view the corruption and destruction it has caused at the hands of people with perhaps to much power. This statement goes with debate because like it or not history in essence; has shown us that nations have pursued war for the sake of winning and expansion for the sake of expansion, we ...
Colonialism has plagued indigenous people worldwide and has spelled disaster for countless cultures, languages, and traditions. Over the past 500 years there have been different phases of colonization in Africa as well as other various parts of earth. There were many reasons behind exploration and colonization including economic and tactical reasons, religion, and prestige. Colonialism has shaped the contemporary understanding of individuals from Niger as well as other parts of Africa and other places too, like the Chambri and Tlingit people; mainly in economics. Because of the colonial past of so many cultures, numerous indigenous people today face many issues. Today colonialism is still active, known as Neocolonialism, which has devastating effects on global cultural groups.
During the 19th century, European countries were implementing a new form of imperialism on many areas. Through this process these European countries gained a lot of power. Some of the areas that were affected from imperialism form the European countries was Asia especially was China and Japan. Asia was a huge area for imperialism, but both China and Asia were very appealing areas to colonize. Both countries reacted differently towards western imperialism, which would change their fates regarding foreign relations and the future of their nation. Japan accepted imperialism and it led them to become a world power and China was against the Western ways and therefore being used by Europe. In this paper I will discuss why China and Japan experienced different fates in the age of imperialism.
The effects of colonialism, whether positive or negative, are subjective wherever colonialism was practiced. Colonialism, a practice of one country exploiting another country for economic gain or for population expansion, affects both the colonizers and the colonized. There are times where the colonizers have profited and the colonized have suffered while there are times where neither the colonizers nor the colonized have profited. Because this is so, any benefits or losses occurring because of colonialism negate each other.
Postcolonialism is the continual shedding of the old skin of Western thought and discourse, and the emergence of new self-awareness, critique, and celebration. With this self-awareness comes self-expression. But how should the inhabitants of a colonial territory, or formerly colonized country or province see themselves, once they have achieved their independence?... ... middle of paper ...