One challenge that is faced on a daily base for a college student is being able to find a parking spot. The majority of the student body drives to school with no guaranty that they will be able to station their car in the school zone even if they have a parking pass. Although there’s always a way of avoiding this problem by means of other transportations, however, students would prefer driving to school and for that reason a solution to the lack of parking spaces in the college campus is to assign each parking space with a number. Many colleges lack parking spaces inside campus, and it is a problem for not only students who are trying to get to class on time, but also for neighbors who live in the area near the college. One may say that there …show more content…
They raise money by selling parking passes and save money by not expanding the land to build more parking spaces, if it is that case than a way to please both students and the College Board is to eliminate the free parking in the afternoons and organize a distribution of parking spaces. Each parking space needs to be assigned a number as well as the student, that would be their reserved parking space, no matter what, though that parking spot will not only belong to one student, the student will have to share the space according to their schedule. The schedule has fit accordingly, for example, if a student has only morning classes, then the one to second that parking spot will be an afternoon person. It’s a win, win situation because the student has paid for parking and has a guaranteed spot the college won’t half to have free parking and increase their budget. A similar solution was brought up at the University of Georgia. According to Ann McClure “Prioritize parking permit distribution. In 2002, the University of Georgia instituted a formula to assign parking permits based on the requester's role on campus and longevity. "We would give parking permits to anyone and you just had to find a spot." Now faculty might share a lot with senior staff, or even students, leading to better lot utilization (McClure).” This has been proven to be one of the ultimate efficient ways being that campuses across the country are managing …show more content…
Teachers will not be interrupted in the middle of lecture for the most common reason, which the student couldn’t find parking, and students wouldn’t have to miss part of their lecture and fail the course for being late all the time, and if this being than the college would have more graduates by the end of each 2 years, sounds odd, but when thought about, if a student is constantly late for class most teachers take down points which affects the students grades, A lot goes on at the start of class and if a student misses that, then it also affects the grade. Anything that affects a grade can hold a student back a for year or may have them repeat the course, now this isn’t the main cause of students failing classes but tardiness is one of the causes that is preventable. According to Spencer Havlick and Will Toor in some colleges attendance is crucial, “Students must be in attendance at least eighty (80%) percent of the clock hours of a course to receive credit for the course. Those who do not meet minimum attendance requirements will be given the grade of “F”, which will be computed in the students’ grade point average as a failing grade (Havlick and Toor).” Being late to class one time is no big deal and not noticeable, but when it is constant than it becomes
Students should not feel the anxiety of being late to class based on the CSUF parking issues. Tardiness often suggests that students could be lazy or show lack of care for their education. On the other hand, tardiness may be different at a school similar to CSUF. Titan students will quickly learn that they must show up to school an hour early in order to find a parking space, if they are lucky. Due to students not being capable of finding a parking space on time, they are generally tardy to their college courses. In this case, student’s education should not be affected due to parking issues. However, colleges are not as impacted in the summer, therefore, students should not be expected to worry about finding an open location to park. Although, several students may have disagreed that the parking lot tends to be impacted in the summer as well. For example, I attend a summer course for English, having
The choice to lower the amount of spaces available is to leave room for a nice park. At the front of the parking lot will be a kiosk and two gates where tourists will grab a ticket and also pay as they leave. This will ensure that the fee of five dollars per hour is being paid by keeping those in who haven’t paid it. The money from that fee would go to maintain the parking lot and bettering the park. To not build a parking garage at this time may anger some businesses, but the city will agree to look into the issue again in five years and decide then what should be done, if
Students are deprived from there leaning do to the tardy policy. A policy that is unfair this tardy policy makes students serve a 30 min detention if there even a second late to class and after multiple absences or tardies you can face legal consequences. There's many reasons why students may be late for example students need to take the city buss, bikes ,cars to school but there's always traffic so sometimes it's not the students fault , students shouldn't be given a 30 minute detention for being a couple of minutes late.
At the point when students need to leave to be somewhere on time, they ordinarily need to include the time that it will take for them to get to their cars, which could be an additional 5-10 minutes. There should be extra parking on grounds made for guests and furthermore for students.
Anytime the idea of making any corrections or additions to the parking lot comes up in a discussion, the notion is put down due to the time the parking lot would be unusable while under renovation. How long does it take pavers to put in a residential driveway? A licensed and bonded concrete crew can lay multiple driveways in one day, and to add an entrance to the parking lot is very comparable. Therefore, if the school shut down the front parking lot for less than a week, students could enter and exit the parking lot quickly and with ease or the school could schedule the work for days the students have off..
Parking legally by the residence halls is almost impossible. Students who live at particular dorms find themselves faced with the problem of having to park on the other side of campus. Students who live in the valleys comment that they are surprised with the numerous tickets that are written every day and how it isn’t always clearly spelled out where they can park. They complain on how some parking spaces involve lengthy walks in the freezing cold weather, and how easily the lots fill up. Whenever I'm riding with someone and they have to park by my hall or any other, they usually park in the 30 min parking and leave their car there for hours, or in the faculty lots to avoid walking from the lot up the hill. These actio...
Parking on campus needs improving. Students entering the university are allowed to have a car on campus. With every new freshmen class entering parking posses a problem on campus. The campus is already limited in its parking on campus and since freshmen are allowed to have cars, the students before them are faced with the dilemma of how many new freshmen will be bringing a car to school.
With the oscillating price of gas, why add the burden of paying for parking too. When a person pays for something they assume that it will improve their life, but that is not true in the case of college parking. When paying for parking, it becomes a race against time to be the first one at the parking deck. How is that improving life? Every person who drives a car to college has no choose but to park in the parking deck, since it’s the closest and safest place to hold a car. Though having parking included in the tuition will not help with finding a parking spot it will instead ease the need for paying more for a service that cannot accommodate everyone at the moment. Also critics might say that colleges are trying to prove alternatives to parking like online classes and carpooling / biking. In an article written by Inside Higher ED some colleges are using Zip Car short-term rentals, which is car sharing. These solutions can be inconvenient to anyone who needs to drive long distance or on the highway. People who need a car are required to use it to drive to college since not everyone lives near college or can have the convenience of sharing cars or riding bikes. If parking is required to be paid, there should be a purpose for paying it. Since students are the costumers and college is the service. Therefore parking should be free for students and faculty until there is a large reason to pay for it.
Teachers in college for the most part don't really care whether or not you are in class. All it means is that if you are not there, you are going to get a failing grade if it happens too often. Missing too many classes will cause the teacher to withdraw you from the class, resulting in a failing grade. If you do it the smart way you would withdraw from the class yourself because then it would have no negative effect on your overall G.P.A. In high school the teachers are always on you about attendance. If you miss too many days you can fail. If you are not in class they want to know why. They also want a note from your parents excusing you from class. Some schools even want your parents to call you in sick if you are not going to be there. If you do not have a note they can write you up for an unauthorized absence and, give you a detention.
best parking spot at school, or whether you have one week or one month to
I ran to my class, but unfortunately I missed my quiz. Similarly, many students miss a few minutes of their classes because they have to go to several parking lots to find a spot. With tight class schedules, the university 's suggestion of parking in Lloyd Noble and then using the bus service is not convenient. Lloyd Noble is 2.0 miles away from the Bizzell Memorial Library (the center of the university). Using the buses at Lloyd Noble is not a good idea because students have to check the schedule of the buses, and they might waste more than 20 minutes of their time waiting for the bus. Moreover, Lloyd Noble buses do not stop; at every bus stop, so students are limited to one stop area. I remember one day my advisor came from Houston to visit me, and he was about one hour late because he said he was struggling with parking. In addition, I have seen shuttles stop at the parking near the Duck Pond (the parking located east of the football stadium) and use it as a drop and pickup area, which makes extra hazards for other car drivers to drive on and cross the roads. All these problems cause delays in students ' schedules. If this situation continues, students will miss more classes, and that might result in a bad performance in the classroom for many. Again, the Lloyd Noble bus services ends at 8p.m., and the text, home page, assumes
Finding an empty parking space is a common problem in most urban areas which especially occurs in popular areas and tourist attraction spots. This situation has become more serious especially during their peak time, be it holiday seasons ,carnivals or any other festivals. The limited availability of vacant parking spaces often result in traffic congestion. Limitation of a driver’s capability of finding a vacant parking spaces and absence of efficient management are also at fault causing this problem.
While studying or even registering for a class presents a challenge to some college students, the greatest obstacle remains, going to class. Attending college is supposed to signify a new found freedom to make many important choices regarding education without high school mandatory attendance policies. However, students everywhere are coming to the staggering realization that college is not too different from high school. Teachers still take class roll and students are still expected to be at every class on time. What next, hall monitors in the hall? The time has come for action to be taken. Colleges must abolish mandatory student attendance policies for several reasons to be further discussed.
Mandatory attendance policy does not really enhance students' school performance as it's usually expected. Some teachers and schools believe students would study better if they come to class regularly. They argue that all lessons in text books should be explained, discussions should be held with full class. If students do not come to class, they would study nothing or make no progress. Some even think of students as lazy creatures who play truant to do everything they like but homework or assigned reading, so they take roll-call to ensure that all students come to class and work with them. What i can say is that attending class regularly does not mean you will have better understanding or performance. Some students sometimes miss class but they still study well. That's because there are some lessons they can study by themselves at home without spending too much time as those who study in class. On the other hand, so...
Attendance is a crucial aspect of a student’s education. When a student is tardy or absent, this interferes with them receiving the information given in class. Class introductions that include instructions, objectives, due dates, etc. may be missed if a student is tardy and if a student is absent, they may also get behind on their class work and homework. Communication between teacher and students about the classroom management procedures for these two things are important so that students are informed and are able to take the initiative to gather what they have missed which can help avoid them falling behind. If tardies and absences are frequent, a teacher may begin to be concerned and question what could be the possible reasons behind it, whether that be an outside force in a student’s life or something that may be happening in the teacher’s own classroom. Establishing a relationship and reflecting upon oneself as a teacher to why the class might be having