Cold Turkey Monologue

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In the middle of the cold room, I stood, tracing a circular path on the hardwood floor, barefoot. Your eyes wander from my dirty soles caressing the floor up to yesterday's clothes hugging my poor, crooked posture. Then your eyes finally settled—to see me smiling at nothing. It's a chilling sight, isn't it? You saw me in a room with dim fluorescent lights, a cold atmosphere, and dystopian newspapers, but I never saw such things. The room I stood in faded into the background of my mind, replaced with a world where I was everything I could imagine. In this world, I am brilliant. Loved the sand sand. Admired. I will be a member. My potential knows no limits. I was enraptured in my own sea of imagination, lost and carried by the waves. A siren song whispered in my ear, and there …show more content…

In the silence of the vast waters, I drifted into an endless sea of fantasy. And there in my sea, it was only me—no one could remind me of my inadequacies. -- "Cold turkey," a term that refers to an abrupt and sudden cessation, is usually used in the context of addiction. Wait, Rapha, you're going cold turkey? What are you addicted to? Drugs. Not drugs, but rather a lesser-known addiction: maladaptive daydreaming. An addiction where daydreaming consumes most of your life. I'd known I had it for years, but I'd never really taken the time to see it for what it was. Imagination: a limitless, vast sea where you can craft a world without worrying about boundaries, rules, laws, or principles to abide by. You can be anyone, anything, anywhere, at anytime. Imagination is freedom personified. It's a stark contrast to reality, with its chains of limitation and harsh truths. - Have you ever been called stupid? Worthless. How much more is it worth? Ugly? Is it a snor Maybe you're insecure about something, or maybe you've failed at something you expected to succeed at. You feel lost in the world. Angry. Is this a reality? you ask

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