Cohen And Felson's Article: Social Change And Crime Rate Behavior

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In the article “Social change and crime rate trends: A routine activity approach”, Cohen and Felson use an ecological theory perspective to explain the increase in crime rates in the United States of America (USA). They gathered data from the USA Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) from the years 1960 to 1975, in the period they witnessed a growth in crime rate trends. Cohen and Felson (1979) present a theory known as Routine Activity Theory and the three elements required for a crime to occur, while refuting the point of crime causation due to poverty. Rather, in their article they focus on the social change in American society, which ties into Sacco and Kennedy’s (2011) Criminal Event.
Cohen and Felson (1979) witnessed a growth in crime rate in 1960 …show more content…

In 2007, Elizabeth R. Groff examined street robbery crimes and displayed how society has two types of individuals, police and civilians. Moreover, the police play one key part of being the capable guardian, while the civilians may take the form of either the target, an informal guardian or the offender (Groff, 2007, pg. 88). Groff (2007, Fig. 1, pg. 81) explained, how offenders make the decision of offending by weighing the attributes presented such as; police or informal guardianship, suitability of target in terms of wealth. In other words, if there is a form of capable guardianship the offender is undoubtedly not going to commit the crime since the benefits of the crime do not out-weight the risk presented Groff (2007, Fig. 1, pg. 81). However, if there is no capable guardianship present, then the offender will most definitely commit the act, because then the benefits out-weigh the risk Groff (2007, Fig. 1, pg. …show more content…

588). Cohen and Felson (1979, pg. 593) contend that these changes can be explained due to the major shift in routine activities of the citizens, particularly how activities are spent in nonhousehold areas with nonhousehold members. Furthermore, the statistics show this to be true. The number of victims, who happened to be on the street and with a stranger in 1974, was at total of 32,460 (Cohen & Felson, Table 1, pg. 595). These victims were involved in rape, robbery, assault and personal larceny with contact. This is a drastically higher than the next closet incident number of 7,167 which also happened to be street incidents, however occurred with a non-stranger. Also, between the years of 1960 to 1970 there were massive changes in activities for females as there was a 118% increase in the number of college female students (USBC, 1975: Table 225), an increase of 31% for married females entering the labour force (USBC, 1975: Table 563). Furthermore, there was an increase 81% in number of vacations taken by Americans from 1967 to 1972, (USBC, 1973a:

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