Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI)

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Effective interventions can make all the difference in a student’s education. Cognitive behavioral intervention (CBI), although not a single intervention, is a very effective approach used for students with emotional behavior disorders (EBD). CBI refers to a number of related interventions, such as self-management, self-instruction, self-evaluation, and self-control training (Yell, et al. 2013). CBI base principle is "to give students the necessary tools to control their own behavior” (Yell, et al. 2013. p.133) which is very beneficial in all aspects of life. This paper will discuss the models, procedures, effectiveness, and limitations of the cognitive behavioral approach with EBD. In order to insure that CBI appropriate for a specific student …show more content…

That is to say every student with EBD may not benefit from CBI. “Cognitive-behavioral interventions can be used by teachers to provide students with methods to successfully control their own behavior” (Smith, 2002). There are three basic assumptions that guide CBI: thoughts and beliefs often guide people’s action, making changes to how one thinks or beliefs about something can change behavior, and everyone can and should be active contributors in their own learning (Yell, et al. 2013.p. 134). Therefore, if the students is taught to how to control their thoughts and beliefs they can learn how to control their behavior (Yell, et al. 2013). Most teachers will utilize positive reinforcements in order to encourage positive behaviors; which is very effective because “when students learn that certain behaviors result in positive and pleasant consequences, the students are more likely to try the new behaviors in other situations, in other places, and with other people” (Yell, et al. 2013. P. 97).However, not all students will use the methods to control their behaviors. Students must be willing to use the “tools” that the teacher provides. Nevertheless, when students respond and take action using the methods studies have shown it “can decrease hyperactivity/impulsivity and disruption/aggression and strengthen pro-social behavior” (Smith, …show more content…

2015). Socials skills has a direct impact on how a student functions in school, home, or in the community. Therefore, teaching appropriate social skills can make a dramatic impact for EBD students and “Most children seem to just “pick up” social skills, many children with EBD have difficulty learning those skills necessary to develop interpersonal relationships” (Yell, et al. 2013) which directly effects their behavior. Teaching social skills is not an easy task for teachers. However, if the teacher is consistent and uses both formal and informal methods EBD students can make great gains in the behaviors. “To be most effective, social skills instruction must include skills that students feel meet their needs and, therefore, produce socially valid outcomes; be taught in relevant contexts; and be an integral part of students’ total curriculum”(Yell, p. 166). The teacher must assess the students’ needs and create or use curriculum and instruction that foster needed skill(s). The curriculum must be based on goals and the instruction must be based on skills the student will actually use. Some of strategies used to teach social skills are: social task model, teacher modeling, role playing, cooperative learning, etc. Social task model is a foundational model that has four main components: “the situation or context of the interaction, the individual’s social goal or

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