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Homosexual and psychology
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Intervention/ Treatments Psychological treatments There are a number of interventions accessible for treating sadist and masochist to eliminate unwanted sexual excitement. Psychotherapy treatment is to control the symptoms of sexual sadism and sexual masochism and help the patient decrease the undesirable arousal. Group and individual therapy are effective for sadism and masochism patients’ involved cognitive-behavioral therapy and behavior therapy understand through the cause of sexual behavior (Thibaut, Barra, Gordon, Cosyns, & Bradford 2010). Sexual arousal and pleasure can be changed to neutral stimulus by using behavioral therapy (Barlow & Durand, 2015). Before beginning the therapy, the client should have a fundamental understanding …show more content…
In cognitive behavior therapy, therapist assist patient to recognize the consequences of behavior and to alter thought of unwanted desire and sexual behavior that engage in sexual activity. Maladaptive behavior and emotion derive from distortion thought. CBT can help patient to overcome and correct difficulties with sadism and masochism to reach goal by changing undesirable arousal, violent behavior and irrational cognitive toward giving severe hurt and pain to other people. Besides, good therapeutic relationship between patient and therapist is essential for strengthening appropriate sexual behavior and thinking in order to increase self-awareness (Laws & O’Donohue, …show more content…
Testosterone is a main male hormone produced by testes (Barlow & Durand, 2015). Cyproterone acetate is an antiandrogen to regulate the level of testosterone, decrease the number and times of erections consisting masturbation and sexual activity. If patient fails to take the medicine the symptoms will be returned immediately. Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) is drugs that can help patient to reduce testosterone especially treat for severe patient. This medicine helps to control paraphilia occurrence. However, these two medicines are consisting side effect such as weight disturbance, headache, insomnia and increase blood pressure (Thibaut, Barra, Gordon, Cosyns, & Bradford 2010). Besides, fluoxetine (Prozac) is one of the antidepressant can be used to eliminate the sex stimulus and sex drive. Pharmacological intervention Sexual sadism disorder patient can be used castration surgery for suppressing hormones and high sexual desire toward victims or partners (Weinberger, Sreenivasan, Garrick, & Osran, 2005). However, this method has been rarely in use and irreversible which offered to patient with sadism. Surgical castration did provide side effects such as weight gain and eliminate androgen level produce by testes (Thibaut, Barra, Gordon, Cosyns, & Bradford
Worling, J .(2012). The assessment and treatment of deviant sexual arousal with adolescents who have offended sexually. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 18(1), 36-63. doi: 10.1080/13552600.2011.630152
Psychotherapy integration is best explained as an attempt to look beyond and across the dimensions of a single therapy approach, to examine what one can learn from other perspectives, and how one’s client’s can benefit from various ways of administering therapy (Corey, 2013). Research has shown that a variety of treatments are equally effective when administered by therapist who believe in them and client’s that accept them (Corey, 2013). Therefore, one of the best aspects of utilizing an integrative approach is that, in most cases, if a therapist understands how and when to incorporate therapeutic interventions, they usually can’t go wrong. While integrating different approaches can be beneficial for the client, it is also important for the
...pe, both sex and aggression become fused together into a single experience called sadism. There is a transformation of anger and power so that aggression becomes erotic. This offender finds the intentional mistreatment of his victim extremely gratifying and takes pleasure in her torment and suffering (Hazelwood 1).
Sexuality is very diverse, in some instances normality is based on the cultural context of the individual 's society. In "The other side of desire" by Daniel Bergner, the author goes in depth into the lives of four individual 's whose lust and longing have led them far down the realms of desire. The current paper addresses the four individual 's Jacob, the Baroness, Roy, and Ron each exhibits a paraphilia that may or may not meet the full criteria in the DSM-5. Furthermore, each person’s specific paraphilia is conceptualized and explained in depth. Countertransferential issues anticipated before working with these individuals is analyzed and clarified. Also, the apprehension of sexual arousal and sexual behaviors is conceptualized into normality
These cognitive-behavioral techniques; anger management, deviant sexual arousal, and interventions dependent on the principles of risk, responsibilities and needs provide the most common forms of treatment used with sex offenders. Typically, these techniques ensure effective treatment of cognitive distortions, teaching of social skills and empathy and the implementation of emotion management and relapse prevention. Cognitive-behavioral techniques are proven and effective treatment for a number of mental illnesses and problems because they are comprehensive and effectual treatments and can be considered the best practice for treatment with sexual offenders as inferred by Alaska Dept of Corrections and United States of America
Treatment of Sexual Addiction." HealthyPlace.com - Trusted Mental Health Information and Support. HealthyPlace, 25 Sept. 2009. Web.
Goldfried, M.R., Burckell, L.A., & Eubanks-Carter, C. (2003). Therapist self-disclosure in cognitive-behavior therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Special Issue: In Session, 59(5), 555-568.
Pornography is material that is sexual in content for the intent of arousal and stimulation. Such material includes; movies, magazines, photographs and books. In most instances, the desire for pornography is pleasure. Pornography is a stimulus that creates arousal for the purpose of stimulation and as such, sensation from climax that results in pleasure. As an individual views such material, he may view repeated sexual themes, perhaps the same genre of pornography or the same actors. Explicit pornography is considered; bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism (BDSM), dominance and submission (Bonomi, 2013), strangling asphyxiation, humiliation, violence and rape. Desensitization is a “neurological process that results in a reduced or loss of physiological response following prolonged or repetitive stimulation (Wang & Xiulan. 2005).” This occurrence takes place due to a decrease in a neurotransmitter, resulting in a decreased response to a stimulus (Nairr...
“Cognitive-behavior therapy refers to those approaches inspired by the work of Albert Ellis (1962) and Aaron Beck (1976) that emphasize the need for attitude change to promote and maintain behavior modification” (Nichols, 2013, p.185). A fictitious case study will next be presented in order to describe ways in which cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat the family members given their presenting problems.
To understand what sadomasochism really is, you need to know how it came about and what the definition is. The concept of sadism was brought about by a man by the name of the Marquis de Sade (1740-1814). The Marquis de Sade was a French soldier and writer who from the time he was a young nobleman consorted with prostitutes and developed a taste for sexual perversions. He was later imprisoned on several occasions for his harsh abuse of the prostitutes. After arriving at the Bastille in 1784 he began writing erotic novels in which he gave full expression to his sexual fantasies. His most famous work of literature was The Adversities of Virtue (1787). His works are highly known for their very graphic descriptions of sexual perversions. His last years were spent in an insane asylum at Charenton, where he wrote plays for his fellow inmates to perform. His compulsion for physically and sexually abusing others is what brought about sadism. The definition of sadism is as follows: 1. the deriving of sexual gratification of the tendency to derive sexual gratification from inflicting pain or emotional abuse on others. 2. The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from cruelty. 3. Extreme cruelty. 4. The act or an instance of deriving sexual gratification from infliction of pain on others. 5. A psychological disorder in which sexual gratification is derived from infliction of pain on others. 6. Sexual pleasure obtained by inflicting harm (physical or psychological) on others. 7. A sexual perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others. (www.dictionary.com/sadism)
"Personal experiences with sexual conversion therapy?" The Straight Dope. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.
Through case study, the psychodynamic approach was developed by Sigmund Freud. Freud visited Charcot’s, a laboratory in Paris investigating people suffering from hysteria. There, Freud began patient case studies (Crain, p. 254). Freud developed 5 stages of human development known as the Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital stages. The Oral stage is from the ages of birth to 18 months. This stage engages in oral activities such as sucking. Next the Anal stage begins around age 18 months to 3 years of age. Freud suggests that during the Anal stage a child focuses on the pleasure of purging from the rectal area. The Phallic stages, none as the masturbation stage, when a child get’s pleasure from focusing on his genital areas usually happens during ages 3 years to 6 years of age. After the Phallic stage come the Latency stages. Latency is when children at the ages of 6 to 12 years old work to develop cognitive and interpersonal skills suppressing sexual interests but those 12 years and older fall into the Genital stages. During the Genital stage those suppressed sexual interests re-occur and the need to find gratification dependent on finding a partner (Craig & Dunn, p 12)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a method of correcting invalid thought patterns to a more positive view of the person and their place in their world. Some people do not believe that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a real treatment for depression, claiming it is a form of positive thinking ("The Daily Mail," 2009). On the opposite end of the spectrum, others argue that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy should be used in all therapies for depression as it allows the patient to take an active role in their treatment. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the benefit of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a viable treatment of depression, either as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with other therapies.
The American Psychiatric Association does not define atypical sexual interests as a disorder unless it causes personal distress, causes another person psychological or physical injury, or involves a person unwilling or unable to give legal consent. These distinctions were made to show that individuals who engage in atypical sexual behavior must not be inappropriately labeled as having a mental disorder. When we think of sexual orientation, we usually think of the continuum of gay, straight, and bisexual, but sexual orientation is a deep-seated attraction toward a certain kind of person. Erotic desire includes attention, attraction, fantasy, thoughts, urges, genital arousal, and behavior. It is further complicated by variations of dominance or submission, sadism and masochism, fetishes, and consent or no consent. These interests may be single or multiple, exclusive or nonexclusive, idiosyncratic or opportunistic, stable or fluid. Possible legal consequences, lack of opportunity, and unwillingness or inability to act all work to constrain our behavior. The sooner we learn this concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex. The reasons for our sexual choices are analyzed obsessively, imposing an undue emphasis on categorization rather than accepting the great diversity of same-sex attractions. But the act of categorizing all of these atypical sexual attractions does not mean that acting on them is either legal or morally acceptable nor unacceptable. Explanations for all of the elements of our sexual attractions are complex and probably unknowable. All research runs the risk of reductionism, but when research on sexuality focuses exclusively on genital sexual activity --to the exclusion of considerations of attraction, affection and affiliation--it falls short in understanding our
Anti-androgen medications such as medroxyprogesterone acetate decrease testosterone levels and can reduce deviant sexual perversions in individuals having various paraphilia’s.