Cluttered Earth

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All over the world there are many different ecosystems that make up our planet. These ecosystems revolve around stability. Their stability is determined by the environmental factors occurring within the system. Among the factors involved there are many that we as a people cannot control. Climate, weather, and things like these are elements which we cannot mediate. However there is one factor which the human race has a lot to do with, and that is pollution. Pollution puts the factors of stability into a bind. It destroys habitat and resources for all living things. Not to mention that it puts a severe strain on our atmosphere. It also poses a serious health risks to those organisms that are operating survivors of the environmental battering. Since we as humans are the only organisms capable of recognizing these threats to our world, we are also the only ones who can put a stop to it. Pollution is and always will be a factor, our mission is not to eradicate it but rather to reduce the contributing factors and educate the population of their self-destructive habits. Negligence towards the earth's wellbeing is far from a new subject. Scientists in the particular field of environmental biology have always been aware of the earth and its needs. But not until the sixties did the general public start to become aware of the earth's distress. The bottom line comes down to a few major contributing factors: earth's population creates more waste than it can store, the production of CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons: aerosol cans, factory exhaust, car exhaust), and negligence of personal contribution. These three factors are, quite simply the downfall of the environment. With these factors in existence, a call to action of sorts is necessary. Throu...

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...uld succeed in making our planet healthier and a more pleasant place to live. By disregarding this proposal we unmistakably put an end to our earth. Maybe not today but eventually we will have done too much damage to repair. Think not of yourself, but of your children to come. Time is running short for the well being of our world.

The environment is at major risk to our own destruction. This destruction is inevitable if we aren't made aware of the power which we hold. Environmental awareness has always been apparent but its severity has never been clarified. The destruction of earth is occurring at an exponential rate and if we do not make a stand to resolve the process then existence of indefinite life if taken out of the hands of fate and put directly into ours. As the present generation, it is our duty to carry out this ongoing fight for our environment.

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