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Conspiracy theories have gained a greater discourse in the twenty-first century. Fictional narratives, Hollywood blockbusters, television series and documentaries, and many other pop culture mediums have used conspiracies to spin tales and capture an audience. In this essay I would like to argue that the dominant narrative of a historical event exists because the elite have the power to manipulate and transform it. The group in power values a hegemonic society, perpetuating certain myths in order to create social cohesion within a nation. As a result, conspiracy theories challenge the dominant narrative. This challenge is how subscribers use conspiracy to attempt agency over the elite. I will use the sinking of the Titanic and Don DeLilo’s novel, Libra, to demonstrate how the elite fight for narrative control and how a close reading of these narratives is necessary to evaluate conspiracy theories. In conspiracy theories, the elite represent the individuals and groups who have power. This small population has access to a large amount of money and resources, giving them an advantage over anyone who lacks this access. The elite can represent the conflict between high class versus the low and working class. Also, the government and any governing leadership can be considered the elite over the rest of the nation. This distinction will be important when discussing why people invest in conspiracy theories. The dominant narrative is the story of an event that has gained support from the powerful, the narrative that has been written into historical texts and taught to each generation. Most importantly, the dominant narrative is what has existed throughout time because of the elite’s control. It is one version of the “truth”. Following th... ... middle of paper ... .... Print. Gregson, Sarah. "Titanic 'Down Under': Ideology, Myth and Memorialization." Social History 33.3 (2008): 268-83. Taylor and Francis. University of New South Wales, 19 Aug. 2008. Web. 26 Oct. 2013. Horn, Eva, and Anson Rabinbach. "Introduction." New German Critique Dark Powers: Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theory in History and Literature 103 (2008): 1-8. JSTOR. Duke University Press, Winter 2008. Web. Nov. 2013. Gardiner, Robin. The Great Titanic Conspiracy. Hersham: Ian Allan Publishing, 2010. Print. Love, Heather. "Close but Not Deep: Literary Ethics and the Descriptive Turn." New Literary History 41.2 (2010): 371-91. Project MUSE. Spring 2010. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. Willman, Skip. "Traversing the Fantasies of the JFK Assassination: Conspiracy and Contingency in Don DeLillo's "Libra."" Contemporary Literature 39.3 (1998): 405-433. JSTOR. Web. 10 Nov. 2013.
It has been 42 years since the Nixon presidency was brought to an end by the Watergate scandal. All the President's Men, the movie depicting the Watergate Scandal, accurately portrays the events surrounding President Nixon and the taping of the Democratic
There were several conspiracies about the planes that attacked the Twin Towers. One of the planes left Boston's Logan Airport at 7:59 a.m. The hijackers zoomed the plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m. The other plane left Logan Airport at 8:14 a.m. The hijackers flew the plane into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m. America had stated that 10 planes were suppose to be hijacked on that day. “Providing new details on the planning of the plot, the commission staff said that al-Qaida planner Khalid Shaihk Mohammed initially proposed a Sept. 11 attack involving 10 planes that would be used to attack CIA and FBI headquarters, unidentified nuclear plants and tall buildings in California and Washington state,” (Brunker). Both planes that flew into the Twin Towers were Boeing 767. The plane was 159 feet long. Another thing that seemed odd was that 9,700 gallons when it should usually have nothing less than 14,000 gallons. The engine was found on Murray Street when it should have been right around the Tower. Things were said about the plane being like a missile since the engine was dropped so far from the Towers. According to German TV footage, the planes front nozzle was caught on fire before going through the building. Conspiracy theories state that there were three things attached to the plan that were likely to explode. After the plane went into the building the plan some how exploded making it look like a missile went into the building or some how it was some sort of bomb. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, drew out the plane and the way the plane was flown into the Towers and it did not seem right. The plane propellers of the Boeing 757 were smaller than the hole it actuall...
The day that President Kennedy was assassinated, people started to view the world differently. His death was the first time that a conspiracy theory transformed into a conceivable form of knowledge among the general public. "It was because of Kennedy's death in Dallas that the conspiracy theory was born" (Wensley). It started with an article written ...
Several rhetorical concepts are used to approach the readers of this article, these being proofs known as reasoning (logos), credibility (ethos), and emotion (pathos). Conspiracy theorists, such as Mock, often use logic or reason to attract readers. They understand that conspiracies are seen as lies and paranoia, so to build their audience they appeal to their logical side. In today’s society logic is everything, and being able to prove something is what is important. Making a reference to a factual document or book is always a source of proof. The reference towards a dictionary is used because it is something we use every day, something that is impo...
“INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW.” Propaganda and Disinformation: How the CIA Manufactures History. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May 2014.
[1] Within the last few decades, we have generated a great number of “historical” films reaching the American public. With these “historical” films come the question of whether or not the film portrayed history in an accurate manner; if not, why were the facts manipulated the way that they were. Unfortunately, this question is usually answered in the negative, and the audience is left with a fictional account of a factual happening, thereby giving the viewing public mixed messages concerning the issues raised within the film. Film used in this manner can be a dangerous tool in the hands of powerful people with agendas and ulterior motives.
In researching this and many other conspiracy theories, one can see many uses of sensationalism, mainly by the media. This media- the news (local and national), magazines, tabloids, television shows, movies, and so on- has a huge e...
Power elite: a. A small group of people that have high influence and power in society.
New Scientist 212.2835 (2011): 6. Academic Search Complete. Web. The Web. The Web.
Conspiracy theories have been created about everything from presidential assassinations, 9-11, to the deaths of many celebrities. They even date back to the 1800s but they started becoming more popular around the 1970s when the world was in so much turmoil with the Vietnam War and the many other complications of that specific decade. (Elinoff.) Theories even have revolved around wide varieties of people with characteristics like a different race, religion, culture or even countries with different types of governments. A great deal of theories have been made about so many events and different groups of people that sometimes it is hard to tell if wha...
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States and one of our countries most notable figures in history, was assassinated on April 14, 1865. In today’s society, many believe there are conspiracy theories about almost everything that the government has done, but many do not think that conspiracies could date back as far as mid 1860’s. The discussion of President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, the well thought out shooting and escape, and the days that follow are going to be closely examined throughout this paper. Abraham Lincoln was watching Our American Cousin with his wife and two others at Ford’s Theater when John Wilkes Booth, a
3: 1105-1124. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed March 8, 2011).
Mills’s purpose for writing The Power Elite was to provide an answer to the question, “Who rules America?” The answer Mills gives is a three-part elite compromised of corporate, political, and military leaders. These three sections of American life are connected and molding other organizations to suit their needs. Churches, families, and schools have adapted to modern life and the needs that the government presents them with. Mills wrote The Power Elite to show people that there are people who can affect the world with just a world, but the ordinary man cannot. Not everyone has the same amount of powers.
However, there are elite theorists that defend the idea of elite groups defined by "combinations of social status, economic resources, and institutional positions, who achieve a degree of unity through common backgrounds, coinciding interests, and social