Cjs 4480-90 Police And Community Relations

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Jacob Stauffeneker SECTION B: COMMUNICATION CRJS 4480-90 Police and Community Relations. How do you define communication without using a dictionary? Sharing or exchanging information with someone to get information across. What is your strongest form of communication? Why do you need to be a member? Interpersonal Communication is my strongest form. I enjoy building relationships with people and conversing in a way that allows me to learn about other people and their desires and goals in life. Erik Fritsvold, PhD, a professor at San Diego University states “For police and law enforcement professionals, having the interpersonal skills necessary to effectively communicate with fellow officers, subordinates, higher-ups, community members, victims …show more content…

Why is there an important difference? The dictionary definition is “individual choice or judgment”. The difference in police discretion versus generic definition is that police discretion is bound by law and the policy put in place by the individual agency. Why is discretion important in the police role? Police officers are not able to enforce every violation that is applicable by law because front line resources are limited and need to be used selectively. For example, if officers pulled every person over for going 1 mph over then they would be tied up to be able to respond to say a more serious crime (assault, DWI etc..) List arguments for and against the use of discretion by law enforcement officers. One example to argue for discretion is: Imagine if cops pulled over every person for going 1mph over the speed limit, while they are pulling over these people for minor violations, they are not able to patrol the streets to look for more major crimes that are a bigger threat to the community. A negative of discretion is that some police officers may use it unethically. For example, a police officer decides to give tickets out to only people of a certain ethnic group, and his reasoning for doing so is that he can use his “discretion” and write tickets to whoever he chooses. Create a department …show more content…

Pros: It can help provide diversity, it helps eliminate stereotypes, it can help reduce socioeconomic differences. Cons: Some believe it reverses discrimination, it lowers the job standards, it lessens the feeling of achievement for the minority group. Do you feel that there should be an end-date for affirmative action policies, considering that they have been in effect for the past sixty years? Defend your answer to the question. List the pros and cons of maintaining current affirmative action policies. I believe that there should be an end date for affirmative action policies. I believe that the world is not the same as it was 60 years ago and is more accepting of minority groups. Diversity in the workplace is extremely important and I think within LE it is a vital aspect. What I do not agree with is having lower requirements just because someone is part of a minority group. Requirements for a position should be kept the same for everyone, no matter the race. As an employer, how would you respond to an applicant who has complained that, while having higher test scores, another candidate was hired due to affirmative action? I would explain that test scores are not the sole factor in the decision, there are other areas that the other applicant may have scored higher in. Describe the benefits of having a diverse workforce. The more diverse an agency is, the better it is equipped to serve the community and represent the community

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