Civilized Law In A Midsummer Night's Dream Essay

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream: The Wild and its Relation To Civilized Law
In A Midsummer Night’s Dream there are many interesting topics that could be explained. One of the best of these is the impression of “the wild” also known as the wilderness. The wilderness has many key parts in order for the play to work correctly. Some of these include how the law of the castle correlates with the uncleanly, and truthful ways of “the wild”. The wilderness as it is depicted in the book is an unclean and unlawful place. This makes it a superb location to escape the grasping hold of the castle and all of it’s cleanliness and picturesque beauty.
The play begins with some important decisions needed to be made. Hermia, daughter of Egeus wants to marry …show more content…

As the story unrolls Helena, and Demetrius love each other, while Hermia and Lysander feel the same way about one another. Theseus realizes that all is well and against Egeus’s will he letts the lovers remain with each other. Here are his own words, “Egeus, i will overbear your will; for in this temple, by and by, with us these couples shall eternally be knit” (4.1.174-176). This part of the play brings them out of “the wild” and back to the castle where all is excellent. The story shows a considerable difference in the transition from wilderness to the court yard. While in the wilderness everything seemed to go wrong. They always seemed lost, confused, and taken away from the truth. The truth being the law of the land. Then once they enter the courtyard everything changes and nothing but truth and love come out of the four lovers.
Overall A Midsummer Night's dream shows us the interesting topic of “the wild”. The wilderness has a lot of key parts in the play which show us how it correlates with the clean and lawful court yard. Even though the woods was a great escape for the couples, they could not make it last, and by going back to the truth everything was satisfactory

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