Following intensified effort, my secular friend is now open to Christianity; however, he does not believe in miracles. Going back to the basics, the resurrection of Christ forms the central truth of Christianity and the Christian faith; it also forms the foundation of the gospel; therefore, it is equally significant to understand that the gospel is Christianity’s central claim to resurrection. If Christ did not defy all odds and resurrect, it would be wrong to associate it to every aspect of the gospel and Christianity. However, note that Christ’s resurrection is considered a monumental occurrence in the gospel and Christianity although it event has faced criticism from non-believers. Therefore, it is critical to clarify the significance and …show more content…
Christ’s resurrection, after everything is considered, is a historical phenomenon. Lewis, in his book, observed that some corrections should be made with regard to the resurrection of Christ to not include only the discovery of His absence in the tomb or seeing him in front of the disciples after resurrecting. It is argued as cited by Keller that the argument that Jesus had appeared a couple of times after his ultimate death is true manifestation of miracles as evidenced by those who witnessed it. Accordingly, it will be important to believe the claims of Christ’s resurrection are documented in the New Testament, which should demonstrate the end-results in order to understand what transpired after His resurrection as narrated by those who, at some point, took part in the process. After Christ’s death, Paul narrated in the New Testament everything regarding the claims of the resurrection of …show more content…
It is important to note that the perception and claim that an individual, after dying, defies all odds and resurrects after a couple of days, especially in the West, has since become hard to proposal to sell. This is because the current crop of people subscribing to the Western culture is largely made up of naturalists who are hard to convince, especially if it involves the occurrences that go against the moral principles of existence. This ease in presenting substantial and convincing argument of using the resurrection of Christ to sell the possibility and viability of miracles has led to positive results. For example, it is believable to resent that argument of the fact that the disciples of Jesus were present when Jesus was alive and eventually overcame death by resurrection, more so with the case of Thomas and Jesus reappearing. Lastly, Christ was born of Mary in Nazareth, and He was later crucified and through a miracle, which was credited to God, defied death and resurrected, and therefore, is an indication of the plausibility of
Luckily, none of the above is true. Because Jesus died on the cross and was raised to life three days later. Believers are forgiven from their sin and are given a new life. As Christians, our belief is not in vain because the resurrections is an actual event. Christ is not dead and our faith is not useless.
One of the most talked about myths in Christianity is the story of how Jesus Christ was crucified but came back to life. When he was crucified for human sins and when he resurrected he took mankind sins away with him. There are many functions and theories that try to explain this myth. Whether individuals believe in the myth is up to them. That being said, this myth is one that is followed by numerous people around the world.
When other popular teachers died, their movement died with them. However, after the death of Jesus, his movement continued to build strength and grew rapidly. James, Peter, John and Paul, Jude and the writer of Hebrews were convinced of Jesus’ resurrection, they believed this with such conviction that they did not even try to defend or prove this. They stated it as fact. “In each narrative, names are given of those to whom the resin Christ presented himself (Barnett 130)”. This can be verified and proven true, based on eyewitnesses. After the death of Christ, the lives of the writers of the New Testament were radically changed. They traveled where they had not gone to reach out to people outside their comfort zone. They died in their challenge
Therefore, Moltmann adopts a Christocentric approach towards resurrection as Christ is the example for human resurrection. What is interesting in this approach is that in pointing back towards tradition tries to retrieve an early Church approach towards the resurrection. Peter Althouse argues that Moltmann’s view of the resurrected body is in line with the Patristic fathers teaching and the Apostle’s Creed that includes the body in the resurrection. This is significant because it shows that the early Church viewed resurrection holistically. Furthermore, Moltmann’s argument has import for the contemporary debate over the supposed dichotomy between body and soul in the resurrection as his view seems to be most in line with tradition and with Scripture on this point.
One of the most perplexing events in the ministry of Jesus Christ is His resurrection from the dead. Many skeptics look at it as made up stories or hallucinations, or mass hysteria, yet the biblical accounts and other evidences point to another conclusion. This research paper will explore three pieces of evidence that the resurrection story is factual and can be accepted as a historical event.
Dahl E. "The Resurrection of the Body: A Study of First Corinthians 15." Journal of Bible and Religion (1963): 31-2. JSTOR. Web. 1 May 2014.
In this paper, I will examine Jesus’ resurrection from the dead because, according to many scholars, there is no other event in the life of Jesus that is as significant. In order to better comprehend the magnitude of this event, I will begin by looking at what can be discerned from the Resurrection of Jesus. Then, I will explore the two different kinds of resurrection testimony that there are: the confessional tradition and narrative tradition. For the confessional tradition, I will look at a few examples including St. Paul’s confession in First Corinthians which is composed of four parts: Jesus’ death, the question of the empty tomb, the third day, and the witnesses. For the narrative tradition, I will briefly examine the two sources of information
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. No other event in history has been the object of as much scrutiny and criticism as the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Christ is the basis upon which all Christianity stands. If the resurrection never happened, then there would be no Christianity, as the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:14, "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." This is why opponents of the Christian faith have tried to attempt to discredit the Biblical account of the resurrection. Of the many theories of the resurrection, the Biblical account is the only historically reliable and possible explanation of the resurrection.
Theologians have been stuck on this topic as well. Without the Resurrection, the Christian’s faith
In conclusion I think that it is wrong to die for your beliefs in any
"Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James 1:15), or as Paul puts it in Romans 6:23 " the wages of sin is death". Christ never sinned, and therefore did not earn the wages of sin. Therefore God raised him from the dead "having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it." (Acts 2:24). The full story of Christ's death and resurrection can be found in Matthew 27 & 28, Mark 15 & 16, Luke 23 & 24, and John 18 - 21.
The miracles of Jesus are the supernatural deeds attributed to Jesus in Christian text. They were categorized into four groups; cures, exorcisms, resurrection of the dead, and control over nature by Henrik Van der Loos. Many Christians and Muslims believe the miracles are real historical events. Liberal Christians consider these stories to be figurative. Modern scholars tend to be skeptical about miracles. In the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus refuses to give a miraculous sign to prove his authority. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is said to have performed seven miraculous signs that characterized his ministry.
Bauer & Johannes, 1970, p.64). As a bonus his death not only offers redemption for mankind but also introduces the aspect of new life. Starting over and new life is not an aspect discussed in the Old Testament. Finally despite the perfection of Christ’s redemption of mankind, believers will have to wait until the return of Christ for this particular redemption to be complete.
There is a carried link between Jesus’ death and resurrection through to the disciples’ post Easter faith and again into the modern minds of today. This affirmation, however, relies on the understanding that the resurrection, as previously stated by Pannenberg, is a historical event and not a fantasy. Bultmann rejects this idea with Rahner also being vague in his engagement but from what is known about the events surrounding the resultant Easter faith, believers attest that something miraculous did indeed occur. St Paul would support this with the statement that “if Christians jettison the resurrection in the name of reason, or science, or what not, then our faith is in
On March 27, 2016, many will gather to celebrate Easter. On this day, believers all around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is one of the foundational beliefs to the Christian faith. Without this belief, much of the Christian faith would collapse. Although there are many that believe in the resurrection of Jesus, there are also many who do not believe that the resurrection actually occurred. Both sides believe that they are right and have their own beliefs about the resurrection. This paper will look at three evidences for the resurrection: the burial, the empty tomb, and the postmortem appearances.