Christians' Beliefs About the Origins of Good and Evil

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Christians' Beliefs About the Origins of Good and Evil

Good and evil are two very different and very powerful things. In

Christianity God is the representation of good, truth and love whilst

Satan, the fallen angel, is the representation for evil, hatred and


God is described using words like purity, truth and light. God is love

concerned with serving others and not causing harm or pain. God was

the creator of the universe. As God is so perfect he had to share what

he already had. When God created humans he wanted friends not puppets

so he gave us freewill in order for us to make up our own decisions.

When Jesus was addressed as good master he replied, “Why do you call

me good? No one is good but God himself. This shows that God is the

origin of good. The best example of Gods love is when he sacrificed

his son Jesus on the cross to save humanities souls.

When discussing evils origins it is important to realise that evil

can be divided into two groups. Moral evils, which are the based on

the actions of one person and natural evil, this is things like

earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricane. Natural evils are harder to

explain as God created an “all perfect world”.

Evil is portrayed to Christians in the form of Satan. Satan is

described as the opposite of God bring evil, dark, deceitful and

impure. In the Bible Satan is described as a serpent, a goat and a

devil. In the fourth century St. Augustine suggested a different view

on evil. He believed evil was simply the absence of good. All things

were at first created all perfect and good like God, but freewill let

them turn away and ignore God and become evil. Augustine also believed

that what is evil in the short term may be good in the long term.

In the modern world, evil is seen as more of a psychological

phenomenon. Psychological forces such as our parenting, our schooling,

our diet, our music and our taste in TV and film are what shape our

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