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CHRISTIANITY Christianity is the belief and existence, based on the life and teachings, of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is indeed, the Son of God. He resurrected from the dead in 3 days. He is considered to be the Messiah sent by God to save humanity from judgment. Jesus ascended into heaven, after resurrecting, where he reigns with God and with the unity of the Holy Spirit. He will return to judge the world and grant eternal life to those that follow Him. The core belief of Christianity is by believing that Jesus died and resurrected and that God forgives us from our sins to gain eternal life. Christianity is one of the largest systems of religions with religious and political developments. People that follow Christianity are considered to be …show more content…
Jesus’ tomb, is in fact, empty. There have been historical claims that Jesus’ tomb was found empty on a Sunday morning by a group of his followers. There is solid evidence that Jesus’ tomb is empty. There was a man, by the name of Apostle Paul that stated Jesus’ tomb is empty. According to Paul, “And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” What Paul was alluding to was that, if Christ had not risen (referring to an empty tomb), our sins would not have been forgiven. According to I Corinthians, the 15th chapter, Christ rose again on the 3rd day and was seen of Cephas, a former disciple of Christ. Afterward, others, including 500 hundred brethren and Apostle James saw Christ after his …show more content…
There are several sources that have concrete evidence that Christ existed: the Bible, early Christian writings and the personal accounts from Paul of Tarsus. Paul revealed that he got his information concerning Christ through revelations and visions. Some implied that the biblical evidence of Christ’s existence is biased because it was written by Christian believers. There’s always controversy about documents proving that Jesus existed. The first four gospels, in the bible, are bibliographical accounts of the life of Christ. Each gives their own personal recollection of who he was. Many speculate that these books and documents, of Christ, were written many years after his death. This gives the impression that these sources are not
Through the close study of two of the aspects shown in the diagram, their contributions allow Christianity to be considered a living religious tradition. The significant contributions of Pope John XXIII, during both his papal and Pre-papal life have had everlasting effects on not only Catholicism, but Christianity as a whole and lead to the sense of Christianity being a living religious tradition. His works include two Papal encyclicals, Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris, along with his work being Apostolic Delegate of Greece and Turkey. Moreover, The significant practice of Baptism has further contributed to Christian being considered a living religious tradition as it accounts for the premise of most Christian beliefs to be initiated, especially in terms of salvation and affirming the beliefs in the trinity and following the teachings of Jesus Christ.
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, a Christian is somebody who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ. As spoken of in The Holy Bible, Christ was born 2000 years ago of a virgin mother. In his ministry, he taught that he was the foretold Messiah of the Old Testament. While on the earth, he performed the Atonement, enabling all people to overcome their sins. For his teachings, he was crucified, but was resurrected on the third day. Christ is the basis of many churches, including the Mormon Church.
I will begin with Christianity from the in class lecture portion. Christianity has four prophets that were born in Israel between 740-536 BC. Their names were Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Christianity believes in one God; the “supreme being.” They believe that God is eternal and the creator of the world. Being the “creator of the world” Christians consider God to be the almighty father. Christianity is a theistic religion; this means a “Belief in the existence of a divine reality; usually referring to monotheism (one God).” "Theism." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 03 May 2014.” Christians believe in sin and that confession is the only way to redemption. They believe that those who sin and do not confess will be sent to hell. Each christian goes through a spiritual rebirth called Baptism. Lastly, christians believe that salvation only comes through God. When one believes in Jesus and does good work they will be rewarded with the afterlife and acceptance into heaven.
The Christian faith is built on belief in an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent God, embodied in the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christianity stands out from a lot of other religions due to God’s personal nature to humanity through the incarnation of Christ. Faith in Christ’s redemptive death and resurrection offers salvation to the faithful. The Bible is very central to Christian faith as it is viewed to be God’s word and revelation to mankin...
The first evidence for Jesus’ resurrection: the stone was rolled away and the tomb was empty. .John (20:1) reports that Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb “and saw the stone taken away from the tomb.” This was a large, round stone placed in a groove in front of the tomb to secure it from grave robbers. It would have taken several strong men to
Christianity is the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Most followers of Christianity, called Christians, are members of one of three major groups--Roman Catholic, Protestant, or Eastern Orthodox. These groups have different beliefs about Jesus and His teachings. But all consider Jesus central to their religion. Most Christians believe God sent Jesus into the world as the Savior. Christianity teaches that humanity can achieve salvation through Jesus.
Christianity is a lifestyle not just a set of beliefs. A Christian is not merely someone who attends church once in a while and believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We know that there is more involved because the Bible says in James 2:19, "You believe in God. Good! Even the demons believe that---and shudder." The literal definition of the word Christian is a follower of Christ. When a person makes a decision to follow any sort of leader, he tries to pattern his thoughts and actions in the same way as his leader would. Therefore, being a Christian involves more than just knowing that God exists and that Jesus Christ died on a cross. Truly being a Christian means following the example that Jesus set in His life the commandments that God has given. Christians need to make the change from doing what ever they feel is right at the moment and try to follow the guidelines God has given for living.
Many people try to take away what really happened on resurrection morning. Some say that no one knew where Jesus' tomb was. They say that maybe he is still in some unknown tomb. For years it has been thought the Jews buried Jesus with rest of the criminals, in a mass grave. This theory takes no consideration for the fact that there is a historical account. Number one, Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus to his own tomb, so he would have to know where the tomb was. Number two, the Romans would have had to know where the tomb was because they stationed a guard. The tomb could not have been unknown if these people knew about the tomb.1
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Christianity is, “The religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies.” This definition is true; however, this definition is also extremely vague. The Christian faith believes that there is one triune God, the Trinity. The trinity consists of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. This belief in the Trinity is rooted in scripture and professed in the Nicene Creed a statement on the basic beliefs of Christianity (Nicene Creed). After God created mankind, humanity eventually fell into sin and rebellion against God. Mankind is totally depraved and tainted with original sin, Romans 3:23 puts it clearly: “All have sinned and fall short
Christianity is the religion of those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and follow the way of life inaugurated by him. More than other major religions, Christianity centers on a person. Muslims do not claim the sort of relationship to Muhammad that Christians claim with Jesus, and the same holds true for Judaism, Confucianism, Taoism, and most forms of Buddhism with regard to their respective founders. The New Testament refers to the community of believers as "the body of Christ," which signifies an intimate bond between Jesus and the church.
Christianity is one of the largest ancient religion in the world. It was a small part of the Judaism at the beginning, and it grew up very quickly in the later hundreds of years.
The resurrection of Jesus has been questioned for many centuries. Speculators asked “Did Jesus really die”? The prophecies in the Old Testament should be enough evidence to prove that he died on the cross. Jesus predicated his own death and resurrection, but no one believes he was the son of God. While on his body hung on the cross, “Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost” (Luke 23:46, KJV). Jesus took his last breath during this time, but what actually occurred while Jesus’ body was in the tomb?
Christianity is the religion that is based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. An individual’s spiritual progress will define their belief structure in what Christ means in their life. Henry Chadwick discussed how Christianity emerged from the apostolic age to the division of the Greek East and Latin West in his book ‘The Early Church.’ Further discussion about the birth of Christianity can be found in the movie ‘Constantine the Great’ that the History Channel shared. There are many aspects about Early Christianity that has helped shape Modern Day Christianity and practices. Early Christianity witnessed a divide in the Greek East and Latin West, witnessed Constantine’s conversion to Christianity,
Each of the independent sources mentioned earlier attest to the tomb being empty. The Markan account does not end with Christ’s burial. Instead, he continues his account with the women discovering the empty tomb. Mark 16 says that Jesus had risen “on the first day of the week.” This would be understood by those who kept the Hebrew calendar. The statement is a time indicator for when the tomb was discovered empty. This statement proves an early admission by Mark and that the empty tomb story is not some late-developing legend.
Being one of the most prominent and world dominating religions, Christianity has succeeded in influencing the life of people, groups and parties in an extraordinary way with its main principal beliefs. Over many years, Christianity has organised its set of beliefs into a systematic theology, drawing from the scared writings and traditions and these are held by Christian variants. The major Christian beliefs have been set out in an easily understandable manor; The Divinity and Humanity of Jesus, The Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Chris, The Nature of God and the Trinity, Revelation and Salvation.