Christian View Of Capital Punishment Essay

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Capital Punishment Law enforcement professionals are handed a great deal of responsibility, now imagine Christian world view and the compares and contrast of the capital punishment in the criminal justice system. Government affects our lives daily as a Christian or a non-Christian. The government tells us how fast we can drive, laws to protect us, but most importantly what is the bibles view of government? Capital punishment? ( Christian view of government is difficult since the bible does not provide an exhaustive treatment of government ( Throughout the Old Testament we would find many cases in which God commands the capital punishment ( When it comes to capital punishment there are approximately 20 offenses for which capital punishment is called for, but murder is the only offense for which ransom could not be given for the life of the perpetrator. Murder is one of the offenses with which God considers the capital punishment and it’s not optional ( The New Testament is the same as the old testament, We should never expect God to repeat himself in the new testament whatever he said in the old testament follows to the new testament ( People sometimes say that Jesus taught us to love our fellow men and women and the death penalty did not love, but …show more content…

God shouldn’t have to repeat himself like I mentioned before. Capital punishment is for criminals that deserve it. Being a Christian and in the law enforcement you just have to accept the laws of capital punishment, just because you got the bad guy doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, God isn’t punishing you, he is punishing the criminal. In the decision making process during the ethical situation, an officer with a Christian worldview should make better decisions with the added guidance of the Holy

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