Chinese Influence on Japan and Korea

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The country of China is one of the largest countries in the world. Because of its size and closeness to other countries and cultures, there is a large chance that other countries around it, before today, had been influenced by the culture of this civilization and adopted some of the culture into their own. The language of the Chinese civilization may be one of the more prevalent adaptations for the other cultures surrounding China; although it is likely that there has been more of an adaptation towards the language within Japan and Korea. The extent of the impact of the Chinese culture concerning the cultures of Japan and Korea is ambiguous for the most part but multiple factors can be taken into account to determine the most probable influence.

The influence of China appears to have been brought about as a result of China having the oldest documented and civilized written languages. However, the Chinese civilization collectively may have also been one of the first founded and organized nationalities in Asia and possibly the world. The evidence found to support the age of the culture is at the same time vast and scarce with items found that have been dated back to around 1500 BC. The impact of the age of the Chinese empire and the sophistication the society had may have been what drew other societies to follow their example and expand upon their society to include religions, philosophies and the language or rather incorporate other ideas found in the religions, philosophies and the language into their own previous beliefs and habits, all of which has lasted for centuries.

The development of the Chinese language can possibly be attributed to the Yellow Emperor as his historiographer is said to be the one person that created t...

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...mostly from the Roman period and ancient Greece which can still be seen today with the mythology and plays from those eras. Because of the lesser role of women in China, it seems likely that in the future men would have to have polygamous relationships and or have to have mixed children which, if the Chinese culture is concerned with their ancestry, would cause some form of an outbreak.

Works Cited

1. "Chinese Language: History of Chinese Writing System." Chinese Symbol Tattoo Design,Chinese Calligraphy,custom Name Stamp, Personalized Gifts. 2003. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. .

2. "Chinese Language Facts." English to French, German, Latvian, Russian & Spanish Translation Dictionary - Words and Phrases with Audio - Web. 30 Jan. 2012. .

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