Children's Failure To Read

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Why is Learning to Read so critical when a child is young?
“Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, compute, and communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials across disciplines and in any context” (Why Literacy). Literacy is crucial to function and succeed in life, the earlier young children are exposure to literacy the better the development. Since children are born we have the opportunity to sing nursery rhymes, read stories, ant talk and listen to them. Infants ant toddler learn from their daily experiences, their interaction with care givers at home or center can make a big different in the development of the later reading and writing skills.
After reading the several articles included in this module and watched the videos, it really impacted me to learn about the high rate of children failing to read proficiently starting fourth grade. “Failure to read proficiently is linked to higher rates of school dropout, which suppresses individual earning potential as well as the nation’s competitive- ness and general productivity” (Early Warning). …show more content…

Children’s progress in reading and writing is an indicator that predict how they will function at school. Its meanly important how young children learn how to read and write because it will affect their development and functioning in life. The development of literacy is affected for the experiences through the early childhood years, birth trough age eight. “Failing to give children literacy experiences until they are school age can severely limit the reading and writing levels they ultimately attain” (Learning to

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