Children and the Censorship of Internet Pornography

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The Internet is a global network of vast information. With a few clicks, an individual can have access to up to 200 million web-sites filled with educational and recreational information. The Internet is not regulated in anyway (Carnegie Library 1). It is accessible throughout the entire world from the North to the South, to the early morning sunrise and dark sunsets. Different ethnicity and backgrounds come together linked upon this network resembling a connection of one body in unity. Sadly, issues arise creating concern for users, focusing particularly on minors. Pornography is one of the inappropriate materials on the Internet for minors. This material is harmful to young impressionable minds. Pornography is tearing and disintegrating the foundations of our society can be described as follows, "what was available to a small number of people willing to drive to the bad side of town can now be viewed at any time in the privacy of one"s home" (Anderson 2). In order to understand how to aid in the critical decision of whether or not to censor child pornography, an individual has to first clearly understand a few terms. These terms will aid in a clear understanding throughout the case study.

a.)Definition of "Censorship."

The American Library Association defines Censorship as "the change in access status of material, made by a governing authority or its representatives. Such changes include: exclusion, restriction, removal or age/grade level changes." Censorship predetermines and judges the material by imposing a standard view on what is appropriate for society. It is the act, process, or practice by which examining in order is to suppress or delete anything considered as objectionable.


... middle of paper ... Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 (Reported in the House)

·Anderson, Kerby. "The Pornography Plague." "Probe Ministries."

·Napili, Angela. "Pornography, Internet Filters, and Your Public Library."

·"From Now On / The Educational Technology Journa." Vol 5|No 5|March/April|1996

·Magid, Lawrence J. "Child Safety on the Information Highway." (c) 1998 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

·Children in the Libarary. on Internet Access

to Pornography."


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