Merriam Webster dictionary defines foster care as 24- hour substitute care for children placed away from their parents or guardians and for whom the state agency has placement and care responsibility. Many kids spend most of their lives in foster care which I find very interesting. Which brings me to my research question; does foster care hinder child development? Most of the children in foster care do not have a stable environment to learn the development skills that most kids with a stable environment get a chance to learn. It is important to research this topic because many kids are in foster care because there are no orphanages and a small amount of group homes.
There was a study done by the administration for children and families office
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planning, research and evaluation which started in 1999. The title of the article was called National Survey of Child and Adolescents Well- being. The study focused on kids from all different background such as African American, white, Hispanic and other. The ages ranged from about age 1 to about 15 years old and the study was done with about 6,200 children in the welfare system. The kids were given a survey which focused on the children in foster care and their experiences with abuse and neglect within the system.
The survey mainly focused on how well they were supervised, provided with things they needed, sexual abuse, and physical abuse. The study showed that most children in the foster care system suffer from abuse or neglect more than other ordinary families. The results also showed that most of the kids have health problems are behind in social and cognitive development. Foster children were shown to be way below average in their cognitive and social skills in every single level that they measured. The study also showed that the older kids who had been in the system and were either abused sexually assaulted or in group homes had a low risk for well …show more content…
being. The next study was conducted by the authors Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Femke Vanschoolandt, Marijke Robberechts, and Tim Stroobants. The study focused on the trauma and abuse that many foster children go through which cause behavioral development issues. Most social workers already expect for foster children to have behavioral development because of the environments that they come from. In the study foster parents had children who ranged from ages six to twelve and lived at least a period of six months with the foster children. Seventy seven foster moms participated in the first study, in 2006 in the second study 49 foster mothers participated and the average age was 48.9 years old. There were a total of 31 foster children that were females and 18 who were males. The developmental problem behavior in each individual was measured by RCI and CBCL scales which are Internalizing, Externalizing and Total Problem score. The variables that were associated with the increase in problem behavior were parenting styles, punishment, and negative control. The conclusion of the study was that the behavioral problems that foster kids have most likely decrease or they may continue during the time period of foster care placement.
The results showed that the behavioral problems are usually associated with negative types of parenting styles. During foster care the behavioral issues usually increase or they remain the same in most cases shown.
Children in foster care are vulnerable to a lot of poor developmental situations because of their genetic factors, prenatal substance, exposure, and other health problems. Many kids in foster care have gone through trauma which is something that plays a big role in their development. Studies like NSCAW show that foster care is generally associated with low development outcomes for children. Pediatric and public health scholars have documented that foster children have a higher morbidity throughout childhood than regular children who have never been in the foster care system (Harden
2004). NSCAW said that most foster children score in the range of normal on cognitive and academic measures although a larger group was found to have a delay in cognitive development and compromised academic functions. Foster children perform poorly on academic achievement test, have lower grades, and have a higher retention and special education placement. Children in foster care are more likely to develop depression, poor social skills, low adaptive functioning, and behavioral problems like aggression and impulsivity rather than a regular child (Harden 2004).
One other problem with foster care is that there are not enough homes available in the system. In America, there are roughly 400,000 kids in foster care, but only 3,000 foster homes (Rath). Thus, foster parents are often overrun by their children. This can also cause psychological problems for the parents, who must deal with dozens of kids—48% of whom have behavioral and emotional disorders (Heiger). As a result, foster parents are prone to accumulate aggression, which is what can lead to the common cases of abuse and
This paper will contain research done about foster care, including a brief history and progressing along to the system today. This research interested me because it is a professional career option after graduation. I found both positives and negatives about the foster care system that children and foster parents go through on a daily basis. As the paper progresses I will be explaining these positives and negatives in more detail. Throughout the paper I will be referencing different scholarly sources that explain foster care in different ways. Overall, this paper will show different aspects that the general public may never know about foster care.
There is nearly 400,000 children in out-of-home care in the United States right now (Children’s Right). Just about every day children are being shipped in and out of foster homes and group homes. Most people want the best for children in foster care and decide to take care of them until their parents can possibly recover. The foster care system can have both a negative or positive effect on children, foster parents, and biological parents because of the gaps in the system. Foster cannot not be avoided but the some aspects of the foster care system can be avoided if the missing gaps were filled.
Addressing the needs of children in foster care has been an issue that has tried to be addressed in many ways. In 2001, approximately 300,000 children entered the foster care system, with the average time spent in placement equaling 33 months (Bass Shields, & Behrman, n.d.). Statistically, the longer a child is in the foster care system, the greater number of placements they will have, and instability increases each year (Bass Shields, & Behrman, n.d). I recently read a novel by a girl who was placed into the system at age two, and by age 12 she had already experienced 14 different placements (Rhodes-Courter, 2007). Stories such as this one are not uncommon in the foster care system, especially if the child is a member of a sibling group or
Chronic abuse and neglect is a huge part of the foster care system. According to the Children's Rights website, “Nearly 700,000 abused and neglected children will spend time in foster care in the United States this year.” Many children find themselves being looked after by a social worker, and eventually into the arms of a new family. The authors of Foster Care Placement, Poor Parenting, and Negative Outcomes Among Homeless Young Adults state that “More than half a million American youth currently [are] in foster homes due to child abuse and neglect,” (Tyler, Kimberly A., and Lisa A. Melander). This is a very terrifying statistic. It’s hard to think that there are that many children in foster care, let alone that over half a million are in the system because of child abuse and neglect. Some have even dealt with abuse before, during, and after foster care (787). This leads me to my first point; if foster care is so great, why are children still having to deal with abuse once they’ve been placed in foster care? Why are children like Krystal Scurry being raped and killed by those who are supposed to be offering better living conditions (Ambrose, Jeanne). Why are little children like Joshua Lindsey being beaten to death by their foster parents (1)? Who is re...
One challenge young adult’s face after aging out of foster care is being provided the health care that they need. According to Paula K Jaudes and the American Academy of Pediatrics, children in foster care suffer from various health issues such as “developmental delays, mental retardation, emotional adjustment problems, chronic medical problems, birth defects, substance abuse, and pregnancy” (1170). It is unknown why children in care are at a higher risk for these problems, but numerous medical professionals believe it is caused by the circumstances that led them being put into foster care, and the experiences they had while in care (Jaudes 1170). Despite being inclined to face more medical problems than teenagers who grew up in nuclear families, there is a lack of support to help take care of these teens. One study conducted by...
“About two-thirds of children admitted to public care have experienced abuse and neglect, and many have potentially been exposed to domestic violence, parental mental illness and substance abuse” (Dregan and Gulliford). These children are being placed into foster care so that they can get away from home abuse, not so they can move closer towards it. The foster children’s varied outcomes of what their adult lives are is because of the different experiences they grew up with in their foster homes. The one-third of those other foster children usually has a better outcome in adult life than the other two-thirds, which is a big problem considering the high percentage of children being abused in their foster homes. Although, the foster care system has most definitely allowed children to experience the positive home atmosphere that they need there is still an existed kind of abusive system in the foster care program that is unofficial but seems to be very popular. Foster care focuses on helping children in need of a temporary stable environment; however, foster care can have negative impacts to the children and the people around them concerning the foster child going through the transition, the parents of the foster child, a new sibling relationship, and problems that arrive later influencing the foster child long-term.
In todays’ society many Americans never think about our foster care system. Foster care is when a child is temporarily placed with another family. This child may have been abused, neglected, or may be a child who is dependent and can survive on their own but needs a place to stay. Normally the child parents are sick, alcohol or drug abusers, or may even be homeless themselves. We have forgotten about the thousands of children who are without families and living in foster homes. Many do not even know how foster care came about. A few of the earliest documentation of foster care can be found in the Old Testament. The Christian church put children into homes with widowers and then paid them using collection from the church congregation. The system that the church had in place was actually successful, and was continued to be used until English Poor Law eventually regulated family foster care in the U.S.
Twenty-five percent of all participating adolescents experienced physical abuse, which is a nearly three-fold increase in risk compared to the general population. Prevalence rates in residential care, especially in secure care, were significantly higher than in foster care” (Euser, Alink, Tharner, Van IJzendoorn, Bakersman-Kranenburg, 2013). Children who are abused often act out in other forums. These are the children that become the bullies, or begin stealing from stores. They also have a decrease in grades. It is sometimes difficult for children who are abused before entering foster care, to find a home placement due to their background. Many foster families do not want to take a chance with an abused child who may begin to act out, especially with older children. Abused children many times, turn to drugs and alcohol. They become addicted to these things and when they become legal age to live on their own, they become homeless. They do not have the skills and knowledge that they need to
The combine result of all these barriers resulted in foster youth being an at-risk vulnerable population. A multitude of negative factors contribute to understanding why foster youth underperform when
Foster care needs to be reformed, especially when it comes to private agencies. Many people seem to overlook the issues embedded within the foster care system; all it does is take care of children, right? Wrong. Private agencies pervert the system with the nightmares they create. Foster children already feel unwanted and neglected because of the abandonment from their birth parents; private agencies provide them with conditions that further solidify their disbelief of care and love. Money comes first in the eyes of these agencies, followed by the need of control. This “control” can easily become abuse. It would only be sensible for a higher authority to intervene and put an end to these profound
In order for a possible successful future to take place, an appropriate selection of the caregiver must take place (Blythe et. al 88). Whenever an inappropriate foster parent is given responsibility over a child, all sorts of issues for the parent and child are created that could have been easily avoided. Foster care agencies must select foster parents that are completely capable to care for the health and safety of their new kids (Blythe et. al 88). This means that the foster parents must be able to supply all of the child’s essential needs so that they may be a valuable citizen in society one day. Research has discovered that foster parents will experience more anxiety and stress when compared to adults in their surrounding communities (Blythe et al. 88). This is directly because the foster parent was incapable of being a sufficient parent for the foster child. Since every child is special and unique in their own way it makes sense that the foster p...
To improve the situation, case studies can be undertaken on these children, which are regularly updated with their current life events; so the system knows and can track the progress of the child. New methods and practices, counseling services should be provided to these children for their effective adjustment to their new environment. Surveys and polls could be conducted to see the effectiveness of these methods. A hypothetical relationship that arises from the above results is that there is a cause and effect relationship between children post foster care support and their mental health and emotional and behavioral well being. This support is vital for the successful survival of the child in the world.
Though foster care was originally established to help children who were orphaned, abandoned, neglected or abused, it has also caused problems for children. Agencies often have difficulty providing adequate, accessible, and appropriate services for the families in their care. (Chipungu and Goodley, pp. 76, 2004) This paper will examine the negative impact of foster care on children as a social problem and how it is viewed and understood. Also this paper would point out the key figures and groups that are affected by problem. This paper would analyze past attempts to better the foster care system and current policies that exist to face this problem. Throughout this paper the goals and objectives of the current polices would be addressed.
Fox, N. H. (2011). The effects of severe psychosocial deprivation and foster care intervention on cognitive development at 8 years of age: findings from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project. Journal Of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 52(9), 919-928.