Child Pageants Is Bad

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By definition child pageants are “A beauty contest featuring contestants under 16 years of age. The competition categories may include talent, interview, sportswear, casual wear, swim wear, western wear, theme wear, outfit of choice, decade wear, and evening wear.” However, pageants are a little different, the expectations in pageants are set extremely high especially for children aged 3 to 11. Pageants often contribute to psychological problems in children and often times may develop into disorders in the child's adult years. Participants in pageants are constantly surrounded by an atmosphere in which is superficial and teaches them many values which are disparaging. The pressures of the competition cause tension between contestants and puts these sponge-like minds in a negative headspace. Parents do not realize that subjecting their children to judgment can have many emotional repercussions, and can even lead to more severe problems down the line. According to an article on the main focus …show more content…

Raising the minimum age limit for contestants would reduce the likelihood of their being forced into pageants, giving them an opportunity to decide for themselves. Installing firm dress codes could stop the trend of revealing, sexy costumes, and help to protect young girls against harm and degradation. Similarly, imposing rules on makeup and beauty product usage could shift pageant ideals to a more natural, age-appropriate image. Restructuring the judging criteria and eliminating solely physical competition categories would prevent self-image issues and disorder development. Altering these measurements of beauty to encompass non-physical qualities like kindness, intelligence, and charity would encourage their development and be much healthier

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