Child Beauty Pageants

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Beauty pageants have been around for ages. Pageants have been a way for children and adults to compete and win awards based off their physical appearance.The children beauty pageants subject today’s youth to harmful environments and substances. Children beauty pageants cause children to develop health and emotional disorders at a very young age. Children that compete in beauty pageants tend to develop many health problems that will cause problems in their future lives. The body’s youth that participate in beauty pageants are more likely still growing and developing. Being exposed to the harmful chemicals and environment of the pageant world could cause some serious health problems in these young kids’ lives. In the article “5 Reasons Child Pageants are Bad for Kids” by The Week Staff, the author states, “Excessive exposure to phthalates has been linked to stunted growth and even lung cancer.” Phthalates are the chemicals found in the household item hairspray which is a key essential for pageants. …show more content…

The small children that are subjected to pageants by their parents or even by themselves do not always understand what the meaning of a competition. In turn, children that lose during one of these competitions could cause lifelong emotional problems. Emotional problems such as depression, low self-esteem, etc. could be a result of a lost competition. In the article “Child Beauty Pageants Have Good and Bad Points Parents Should Consider Before Competing” by Helene Malmsio, Malmsio states, “If they don’t win, they might take it personally and get hurt feelings. The child might end up feeling unattractive or inadequate in some other way.” The feeling of being “unattractive or inadequate” causes all sorts of emotional and mental disorders within the children’s

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