Child Abuse and Later Maladjustment in Adulthood

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In this paper, the researcher will address the adjustment issues often seen in individuals who were abused early in their childhood. Abuse can be traumatic for any individual but it is especially troubling when endured at one of the most vulnerable developmental stages of the person’s life. Although intervention has been known to help dramatically, children can be easily manipulated into keeping the abuse a secret. For this reason, an emphasis is placed on the importance of professionals constantly interacting with children, being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse, so that any suspicions can be immediately reported. But what happens to those individuals who never got the intervention they required, or even when they do, how to they transition into adulthood? The purpose of this research paper is to assess some of the literature on the topic, to investigate the challenges faced by people who are abused, sexually, emotionally and verbally, in relation to later socialization, self-concepts and mental health in Saint Lucia. Risk Assessment of Child Abuse in Saint Lucia According to a report developed by Matheson & Hornick (2007), there exists limited quantitative data regarding the extent of child abuse in Saint Lucia. As stated by the reporters, the data that is available, however, shows that child abuse is a significant problem in the country. During the year 2002, there were approximately 40 reported cases of child sexual and 60 cases of physical abuse. In 2005, the number increased to 79 cases of child abuse and 64 cases of physical abuse (Hornick & Matheson, 2007). Considering that Saint Lucia has a population of approximately 647, 000, these numbers are definitely cause for concern. Further data from existin... ... middle of paper ... ...06, September 23). Self Esteem Damages in Abuse Children. Retrieved July 14, 2012, from Rogers, V. (2010, July 12). Abuse/Survivors of Abuse. Retrieved from Good Therapy: Roy, L. H. (2012, March 30). Reactive Attachment Disorder. Retrieved July 14, 2012, from Stirling, J. J.-A. (2008, September 3). America Academy of Pediatrics. Retrieved July 1, 2012, from Wagner, M. (2004, May 19). The Long Term Effects of child Abuse. Retrieved July 15, 2012, from Williams, F., & Eugene, C. (2004). United Nations secretary-general's stufy on violence against children. Castries: Collins Works Press.

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