Chief Joseph's Speech Summary

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The message that is signified in this speech by Chief Joseph himself explained all the ideas and thoughts that he has been holding silent to himself and, accordingly, has been standing aside while his people felt distraught. After what his people had faced over time, he had enough with the suffering done to his people in result of these tragic disputes. The oppositions that he proposed in his speech entailed what the white settlers had done and, accordingly, how it will not be allowed or accepted any longer. Along with these ponderings, large amounts of treaties and treaties were lost or, consequently, broken due to ignorance of the two cultures’ disputes. Precautions among both sides were addressed to help conflict between the cultures but, …show more content…

Both sides of each party were fighting for a life of bliss that they wanted for their people. Even though both ideas wanted were not the same, they still inspired both parties to pursue the savage actions that did occur. The white men did have intellect to act upon the duties they’re ordered to do, which is okay since it was an act of self-defense. Instead, what they had done was push further than they needed to prohibit any similar disputes from happening again. Consequently, these actions of precaution made the Indians strike back in their act of self-defense as well. Properties and goods that were originally from both groups dissipated to the ignorance of these battles. What should have been of these fights instead should have been peace treaties that would benefit both parties instead of one? Information and concerns mentioned in the peace treaties that addressed issues between the two cultures only benefited the white man instead of Indian tribes. Which then caused more similar affairs between both parties and, consequently, having, even more, battles and more extreme losses of …show more content…

The true meaning of the speech was to signify vengeance for death and destruction against the white man for their actions separately. The speech also implied possible confrontations between both groups in the future since, accordingly, the Indians were standing up for their liberal rights. Agreeing with the Indians that are retaliating for their own independence is the right choice that could aid the white man to take notice for what they have done and to do what is right for hope that they could have an exceptional future. Even if this speech is not effective to all whites and will not help them to try to give back what they have taken from them, it will inform them of the lost goods that have riled the Indians but, nevertheless, to halt any more battles and to put an end to mass amounts of precious life from being

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