Chicken & Egg

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Chicken and the Egg

Which came first the chicken or the egg? The chicken and the egg is one of life's oldest questions. The days of fighting on the playgrounds of which one really came first are over, but the question remains the same. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Just look at the question, it is a very tough one. How can a chicken arrive without an egg? How can an egg arrive without a chicken? Many people have varied opinions on this, my opinion is that the chicken came first due to many logical findings. Although there are many variables out there for any one person to make a definite decision on which came first. Maybe this question just isn't made to be solved. It could be just one of life's questions, around for the sole purpose to bring meaning to other unanswerable questions. I will show why I believe that the chicken came first and why some people do see that the egg came first.
The chicken and the egg, which one actually came first? Well when I asked some more older people of the community when they thought this question had débuted, the resounding answer I received was it has been around

Thomas, 2 forever. Well I know that nothing has been here forever, ...

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