Chicana Educational Pipeline Sparknotes

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Angelica Haro Professor Patricia A. Perez La Chicana-Chicana and Chicano Studies/Women’s Studies 313 Tara Yosso’s is a motivational, informational book that gives us an insight and awareness of how the Chicana/o students struggles throughout their education in the American society. Critical Race Counterstories Along the Chicana/Chicano Educational Pipeline, portrays how Latino students have been marginalized in the educational system. Yosso addresses the problems that might be hindering students of color to drop out of school to continue to higher education. She does this research by analyzing various situations that still happen in the K-12 educational system, as in high school, and higher education. Yosso also addresses counterstories to better understand the experiences and struggles Chicanas/os go through in their schooling. Counterstories are important to be able to know what Chicanas/os struggles go through. Also tells about the outcomes that Chicanas/os have overcome when they are in a situation were they ate being underrepresented and how they have been dealing with these unequal educational opportunities. Her book addresses, awareness of how the Chicana/o culture is being underrepresented in the American educational system. It gives an understanding of why the Chicana/o students are leaking out of the educational pipeline. It also shows the obstacles this Latino students have to face to be able to make it through the educational pipeline. Chicana/o students want to continue to higher education they have to transform the educational system and acknowledge this culture to be successful instead of setting them to failure. Furthermore, this critique will analyze the strengths and the weaknesses of Tara Y... ... middle of paper ... ...incorporated. It would have given the reader more information of how this improvements were going to help Chicanas/os throughout their education. Therefore, this last chapter: epilogue states that the minorities are protesting and claiming for a change in education. It would have been stronger if Yosso would of add all the experiences and parents involvement, plans to help transform education of Chicanas/os. The epilogue is a very important chapter as well it gives us an overview of what the book is actually trying to convey and mostly about the immediate change Chicanas/os students want for their future education. Therefore, it gives the reader an insight of what Yosso is portraying an awareness in the Chicana/o schooling and this makes it easier to understand and that she is raising awareness to be able to somehow help make a change in the educational system.

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