Checks And Balances Pros And Cons

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Luke Morton 04/26/17 Power and Politics Midterm Systems of Checks and Balance Checks and balances was established in 1787 along with the constitution. The main reason why checks and balances was created, was to balance the three branches of government, which are legistative branch, executive branch and, judicial branch. These three branches of power makes the American government in United States. In addition, The checks and balance system prevents one government branch from taking over the other branches of the American government To begin with, the three branches of government has powers that specialize their duties within the branch. In addition the Legistative branch is responisblie for making and creating laws, the executive branch enforces and carries out the laws and, the judicial branch interprets the laws. However, there are also pros and cons of the three branches of government. The checks and balance system is only effective if one of the three branches either abuse their power. For example “Congress may pass laws… but the President in the executive branch can veto those laws with a Presidential Veto” (Government …show more content…

“separation of power is to prevent anyone person from gaining too much power for fear that they will then abuse that power at the expense of the American people. History has taught us over and over, that when one one person has too much power, there is often abuse of that power. Look at the Roman Emperors, at the old European Monarchies, and most recently Stalin and Hitler.” (Peone). In addition the checks and balance prevents policies that would be critical and dysfunctional to the people in United States; without the three branches of the American government it would be difficult to rectify the bad policy. To sum up, the system of the checks and balance will prevent governments such as fascism, theocracy, oligarchy autoracy, communism and

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