Check And Balance Essay

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On Chapter 2, I would like to take a closer look at question number two. Question number two says, the principle of checks and balances in the U.S. system of government a. requires the federal budget to be a balanced budget, b. provides that check cashed at U.S. banks will be honored as legal tender, c. was a principle invented by the Progressives, and d. allows the majority’s will to work through representative institutions but places checks on the power of those institution. The correct answer is d. allows the majority’s will to work through representative institutions but places checks on the power of those institutions. Check and balance means that it is the principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent …show more content…

The main reason is for each of the branches would check each other powers and balance, so none of them will be more powerful than the other branches.
I always want to know how the three branches came in, and the check and balance formed. According to the website, Baron de Montesquieu wrote “The Spirit of the Laws,” where he talked about how to prevent despotism which is the primary threat in any government. He said the best way to prevent despotism is by separating their powers. The legislative, executive and judicial power should have different government for each of them, with all these bodies subject to the rule of law.
The U.S. Constitution was the one that divided the powers and responsibility into three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. The three branches can crate and power is shared between the branches. Also, one branch can challenge the other branches. This system is called the check and balance. The first branch is called the legislative branch. Anyone can write a bill, but it has to be introduce to the House or the Senate. Once it is introduced, either a small group or committee will meet to do a research about the bill, ask questions,

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