Cheating Definition Essay

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Cheating is a very common theme throughout educational history. This theme continues to be highly prevalent in today’s society. By watching teenagers in grades nine through twelve, and even younger, it appears that dishonesty can be seen through not only actions but words as well. By definition, cheating is a verb meaning to deceive, practice fraud, or swindle someone or something. Cheating is not viewed as a serious offense within the classroom despite many teachers’ pleas. In truth, deception plays a larger part than most may realize in not only a high school setting, but in college as well. This ranges from searching Google for answers on a quiz to completely plagiarizing research papers.
Learning is a natural process for humans and cheating …show more content…

For example, when taking a test or quiz, it is easy for a students’ peers to look over their shoulder to copy answers off of another classmate. While the student who copies the other gets away with not having to do much thinking or actual work, the other student is unknowingly being robbed of hours of studying and dedication. This occurred in front of me when I was taking a math course a few years ago. A young girl who was only a year ahead of me decided to copy from a friend’s test because she was unaware of how to do the work. Part of the reason she didn’t know how to solve the problems, was due to a lack of self-discipline. When I brought this to the instructor’s attention, he replied saying he would have to see her actually cheating in order to do anything. I then wondered how seriously schools take cheating. I understand it is the teacher’s responsibility to enforce rules referring to instances of such deceit when they occur. However, I find myself still pondering on how seriously students take the idea of cheating and the consequences that follow. Suspension in the eyes of a student is like an early vacation. Detention is a time to hang out with friends and goof off. Writing a paper or essay for the teacher’s class they were caught cheating in is just another assignment they won’t do because they don’t see the value in it. This is how the younger population of society perceives punishment, as a waste of

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